
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My student Salvo the postman returned from his holiday in France on Sunday and brought me this pretty magnifying glass, with which I am delighted:

I might even be able to adjust my Plastichic watches to CEST!  I haven't been able to do it before as the instructions look like this:

I was just going to wait till the clocks go back again to have the "right" time.

Oh, and I'll be able to read the instructions on toilet fresheners, too!

It turns out that Salvo the postman had been a little apprehensive about going to France , as "They say the food is bad" but he was pleasantly surprised.  He did not, however, eat pasta there as it's "too short".

Finché si vive, s'impara - You live and learn.


  1. What a pretty and useful gift.

    As for Marcus of Umbria I would be very happy to add your name to the so far short reading list for my copy, just let me know.

  2. C'est chouette! L'histoire et le cadeau...

  3. What a lovely useful gift, how thoughtful of him.

  4. Quel homme charmant, et de bon goût! What a charming gentleman, with a perfect taste! It's very stylish.

  5. what a beautiful gift :-) and so useful too. BTW i forgot to tell you that i managed to get one of those watches when we were in Italy :-) x

  6. Hi, LindyLouMac. That is very kind of you. Can you tell me how it works, please? Je t'en remercie, amethyst. Hi, Cherie. Yes, very thoughtful. Oui, il est très gentil, Claude. J'adore ce cadeau. I think so, too, Nerys. I think the watches are probably tricky in themselves, too, as sometimes even the man in the shop where I bought them has difficulty adjusting them. Hi, Sally. So glad you've got one at last! What colour is it?

  7. It is very simple, the book circulates to the various readers via the postal services and the person before you on the list will contact you for your address. As it happens the people already on the list are all in Italy apart from the first one! There is obligation to join Bookcrossing but as it is free you might decide to do so, as it is fun to be able to follow the book as it continues to travel. I hope this answers at least some questions for now. Here is the link for you so you can follow progress. Thanks for joining in.

  8. Hi, LindyLouMac. That sounds a great idea. Please add me. Thanks for the link. I'll explore it now. x

  9. I have added your name to the list, thanks for your interest. I am sorry in my previous message I made it sound like you had to join BC to participate. Not true I left out the vital word No before obligation.

  10. Thank you, LindyLouMac. That is very kind.
