
Friday, July 23, 2010


I found this over at Liz's blog.  You paste something you have written into the thingamy and it tells you who you write like.  I just had to have a go so I pasted in part of a blog post and here is the result:

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

H P Lovecraft? Well, Wiki does say he wrote weird fiction...

Then Simi wanted a go so we pasted in her latest blog post:

Liz, who apparently writes like Cory Doctorow too, will be thrilled to know she writes like Simi!  Like Liz, we didn't know who Cory Doctorow was either - no offence, Cory - so we looked him up.  I always knew Simi was an intellectual.

Finally I pasted in part of one of my Italy Magazine articles and I'm sure my colleagues there will be pleased to know this:

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!


  1. I have done this with a blog post and it told me I write like Stephen King...I wondered if that meant my writing was horrifying?!

  2. I write like Cory Doctorow too. Hmmm...perhaps that's Cory's site. It is getting his name out in front of the public. I never heard of him either. :)

  3. No, I think it means your writing's exciting, Saretta! Hi, Betty. I never thought of that!

  4. Thank you for this. Looks like I happen to wrike like Wallace, Brown, Poe, Joyce and Shakespeare all rolled into one

  5. I'd expect no less of you, Miss Welby.

  6. Now, I'm truly curious! How reliable is this what-you-call it?

  7. p.s. I know I left a comment on the Veal Polpettone post and it disappeared. Gone with the wind or something like it. I wanted you to know that we don't get veal often enough to even try such a recipe. Perhaps I can use lamb.

  8. Hi, lakeviewer. I think it's just a bit of fun. I didn't get your comment about the polpettonre post - sorry. I think the recipe would work with other types of mince.

  9. I am honoured to have the same style as Cory and more importantly Simi. (Does either of write sci-fi though?!)

  10. Very interesting...but I think I'd rather not know!

  11. i can't wait to try this!!!!

  12. Hi, Liz. Simi is honoured too! Carmen, you write like you - you're unique in the nicest possible way.

  13. Just saw your result on fb, Maria. Joyce - wow!
