
Sunday, June 13, 2010


Things will never be the same again in the fictional village of Ambridge, home of my favourite soap, The Archers, for the scriptwriters have gone and killed off thrice-married Sid, landlord of "The Bull" pub, mainstay of the cricket team and homophobe. The character died of a heart attack in Tuesday's episode whilst visiting his stroppy daughter Lucy in New Zealand. So that's what too much sex in the shower does for you!

Meanwhile Sid's former wife Kathy seems to be about to commit sati and is at risk of losing loveable partner Kenton. I've never understood how laid-back, self-deprecating Kenton ended up with boring Kathy but perhaps he just likes boring women.  His twin sister, Shula, is among the most boring and smug that you could meet, apart from an episode back in 1998 which earned her the title of "Britain's most sexually active church warden".

My heroine among the Archers women is Lillian. Rich, fun, outrageous and blessed with a heart of gold, Lillian has rotten taste in men. She's how I'd like to be if I had money, apart from the rotten men, whom I've never had any trouble in attracting.

You're either an Archers fan or you're not and for me, here in Sicily, those 13 minutes Monday to Friday and on Sundays are my "little bit of Britain". My Italian friends and students are amazed that so many British people follow a soap which is broadcast on radio rather than television and even more astounded when I tell them it's the longest-running soap opera in the world.


  1. Anonymous8:03 pm

    I used to love the Archers , but got out of the habit of listening to them. My friend Kath who is a yank hasn't missed an episode in the 30 plus years she has lived over here
    maybe I should start listening again

  2. Yeah, I remember Lilian at Jazzer's birthday party, she was hilarious!

    I don't listen to the Archers all the time, but when I do, it's pretty addictive.

    The Archers seems full of those sighing, apologetic middle-class characters. E.g. if someone offers something to one, they never come out with a straight thank you I'll have that it's always oh no I couldn't possibly impose on you like that

    That Peggy gets to me too. I know she has a great deal to put up with being married to Jack Wooly ~ who seemed wooly enough BEFORE Alzheimers ~ but this faux-royal posturing she sometimes does, and that fake posh voice with Hackney vowels shining through ~ really gets me on occasion.

    I used to prefer all those turnip characters. You know like Walter Gabriel with his "farmer's lung" that cropped up every time the threat of work appeared on the horizon (big excuse to say "farrrrrrrrrrmer"). But what's happened to them all?

  3. Hi, VM. The thing about "The Archers" is you can miss it for years, yet still catch up very quickly. Hi, Gleds. I remember that, too. And I uite like anti-hero Jazzer. You're right about some of the language. I can't stand Peggy and I could never work out how someone as daft as Jack got to be a millionaire. Poor Walter died and then his son died abroad.

  4. From one Archers' fan to another, Cathy is a pill, Shula smugness personified and as for Tony, Pat and the dreaded Helen and Tom - have you ever come across any family with so little sense of humour and such absolute belief in their own rectitude?!!!! But, we've listened for ever and love it - don't you love Clarrie Grundy?

  5. I couldn't believe it! I'd missed a couple of episodes and next thing I'm hearing that Jamie has lost his dad!

    Yes, Lilian is great and I agree with Gledwood about Peggy Archer being a pain. But then so is Jennifer. And Susan Carter.
    Nelson used to be a star though.

  6. Hi, Sally. I do agree. I particularly can't stand Helen. Clarrie's the one I'd like near me if I was in trouble.
    Hi, Liz. That reminds me - I can't stand Susan either!

  7. How do you get the Archers? On Listen Again? Or do you stream it live? Or listen on some whizzy satellite radio thing?...

    There used to be a soap opera on BBC World Service, set around a doctors surgery. I remember a character called Kwame. And I remember I liked it (which isn't a lot to remember, let's be frank!) But I also remember feeling bemused when they cancelled it, determined to turn the station into a kind of British audio version of CNN


  8. Hi, Gleds. Yes, on "Listen again" or "Listen live". I usually tune in to the Sunday morning Omnibus. I remember the World Service soap you are talking about!

  9. PS when is Bad Boy getting out of prison?
    I don't even know what put him there.
    Well I do. Himself. But what specific scheme it was that got found out, I'll never know now... I do wonder, if EVERYTHING about him was discovered, would he ever get OUT of the place..??

  10. Hi, Gleds. He's out and tagged! What's more, he's up to his old tricks again....

  11. I love my daily dose of The Archers here in Borneo and felt really sad at Sid's sudden demise, especially after I had only just recovered from Phil Archer shuffling off this mortal coil. Jill seems to have handled it much better than me ! Also love Lillian so they better not bump her off..and of course, all the Grundys !

  12. Hello, The Morleys. How nice to see you. The archers is not the same without Phil,is it? I'm not sure I can take any more shocks! Oh, yes, love the Grundys!
