
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is the first of a series of posts in which I'm going to direct you to what I think are my best, funniest or quirkiest articles for Italy Magazine in the preceding week. 

First up tonight is my interview with the Reverend Russell Ruffino, an American Episcopalian priest in Orvieto.  You can imagine my surprise when, during the telephone interview, I asked Russ about his Italian family and he said his father was from Modica!  Russ hadn't realised that that is where I live so he was astonished at the coincidence.  He is coming to Modica with his wife in July and I am looking forward to meeting them both.

Next is my article on the bamboccioni ["big babies"] the cruel term used to denote young Italian adults who still live with their parents, usually from economic necessity.  The article was inspired by a sad comment from a student of mine.

Lastly, as many of you know, as both an adopted child and a feminist I can see both sides in the abortion debate.  I'd be interested to know what you all think of Andrea Bocelli's recent comments on the issue.


  1. There was a feature on "Big Babies" on BBC World Service radio some time back...

    ... someone told me quite recently that not long ago it was the norm to live "at home" into your 20s... Difference being, of course that most people got married far earlier, THEN moved out. Or stayed with one set of parents... which is where, so I've been told, those dreadful mother-in-law jokes stemmed from


    PS you know you say you're a semi-retired language teacher?... You didn't ever used to teach German, did you? I have loads of German that needs correcting by as many people as possible. It's on my blog today. Because it is NOT a school essay and because I wrote it off the top of my head, the birds on my street, and the word zirpen ~ chirping ~ crops up rather a lot...


  3. Well, very nice for you to meet Russell Ruffino and his wife when they come home for a visit!

    As for bamboccioni, it is no different here in the San Francisco area, one of the most expensive in the U.S. My rent for a single family home is $2325 a month...unbelievable, really. So many adult children cannot afford to get a place of their own. Maybe we should be more like Asian and Indian families where it is the culture for many generations to live together under one roof.

    Interesting story about Andrea Bocelli. He certainly has a right to his opinions as does everyone. I take great offense, though, with the murder of physicians who perform abortions or the risk to clinic workers and women who choose to take this step.

  4. That video with Bocelli was quite the tear-jerker, but there really is nothing to say knowing that he is a religious man. WL, why is it that you are not named as the author of the article? Unless it was written elsewhere, I did not see any credit under the title or after the article. You should definitely be noted!

  5. Orvieto mi fe, disfecemi Modica... or is it the other way round?

  6. That was a truly riveting article Welsh Cakes, I just loved reading it.
    Thank you so much.

    I remember, so well, the story of your adoption and being moved to tears by it.

    What Andrea Boticelli had to say on adoption was touching too.
    In reality, what he lost by losing his sight was more than compensated by his beautiful singing voice.

    Again, on the subject of abortion, I'm a bit 'on the fence' about that subject.
    I had a friend who bitterly regretted having one and, another one who went on and married, then had two lovely children.
    In the end, I feel it's down to personal choice.
    I've never been in the position to have make such a decision, Thankfully.

    Love to Simi too...purr purr from Chloe.

  7. Hi, Gleds. I wish I'd herad that programme. My languages are Italian and French - no German, I'm afraid. Happy reading, lakeviewer. Hi, Carmen. I'm surprised and interested to learn of the situation in SF. That rent sounds astronomical! I agree with you on abortion. Hi, Rowena. I am usually credited. I think it's just an omission. You appeared today as "blog of the week" - have you seen it? Not sure, Ww. Hi, Trubes. I feel the same as you on abortion.
