
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I love buying fruit of different sizes and shapes, so lemons that look like apples and little lemons are a delight to me:

Now the fruit lorries are teeming with nespole [medlars or loquats] and some of these look so imperfect that they would not be sold in the UK.  There's nothing wrong with the taste, however, and after the medlars we will have nectarines, peaches and all the abundance of summer.

Making the most of what the season has to offer and then being ready for the next crop is a good way to live and somehow helps you to make peace with time.


  1. Vegetables consumed in the correct season have a far superior flavour.

  2. You are so right about them not being sold in the UK, which is such a shame.. .I would rather have your fruits than the ones we are meant to buy.. which have no taste at all.

    Do you know how much fruit and veg we is beyond belief.. and with all that has gone on this week, the supermarkets are going to be empty.. well for a few days.. Waitrose are saying that pineapple is going to be in short supply.. does it really matter for goodness sake... but it does have a knock on affect..

  3. You are so fortunate Welshcakes!

  4. Perfectly summed-up! We could all learn and be healthier (and richer) by eating that way. Variety is the spice of life,too...
    Will we be seeing your secrets for homemade Limoncello soon? ;-)

  5. I love Nespole! Hmmm...summer, I wish I could live on Prickly Pears, Asparagus, Eggplant and watermelon alone...but you know I can get all those things in winter here too.

  6. I am still waiting patiently for nespole to show up on our shelves...I want the ones from Italy, not Spain! Not that there's anything wrong with spanish nespole (except for the higher price).

  7. We are a good few weeks behind you up here in Lazio but until our own fruit is ripe will happily enjoy the fruits of Sicily.

    P.S. Happy Blog Anniversary for tomorrow:)

  8. My little lemon tree has been producing so much's given me so much, poor little tree! I think because we had hardly any rain for it's first two years, it forced out fruit like there was no tomorrow. It had just finished its first crop when its second was bursting forth. I've noticed there are no new blossoms now, so I think it's going to have a rest from producing fruit and expend its energy on a growing burst. It's been wonderful having a supply of fresh, organic lemons.

  9. They look very tasty. Even the man who comes to town with "fresh fruit and veg" every Thursday gets his stuff from a wholesaler, so there's no real benefit.

  10. Hi, Cherie. I couldn't agree more. Hi, Anne. No idea how much the UK imports but I imagine it's a lot! And so unnecessary when we have such lovely varieties of fruit and veg, if we only looked after them. I hadn't thought of that effect of the dust cloud but of course, you are right. I know it, jams! Hi, amethyst. Thank you. I did post a limoncello recipe a while ago - not mine, but a friend's. It's here:
    Hi, Lucia. You are lucky over there! Hi, Rowena. We're always a little ahead of you in fruit harvests down here. I don't think you'll have long to wait now. Hi, LindyLouMac. Didn't know they sent the Sicilian ones up there! Thank you for your good wishes. My blog and I appreciate them. Hi, Lee. How wonderful to have your own lemon tree! I've weondered about growing one on the balcony but I'm hopeless with plants. Good idea, WW! Hi, Dragonstar. Oh, what a pity. Hello, Camelia and thank you. I will come and have a look now.

  11. Yes we have vans that drive up from Sicily with all sorts of fruit and just pull up on the roadside and sell from the vans. Always good prices.

  12. omg I am so jealous.

    In Scotland it's still cabbages.

    Oh, and turnips...

    With the very occasional leek.

    But the new Ayrshire tatties are coming -

    Buon Appetito!
