
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hi, folks.  It's Simi here!

I just want to let all my fans know I'm better and it was nice of everyone to ask about me.  If you look closely at this pic of me in my favourite chair you can just see the sore place on my cheek where the nasty insect bit me. 

I scratched it a lot at first but I stopped when mummy said we might have to get one of those plastic collar things.  A girl doesn't want to look silly!  The vetty-man gave me some antibiotics and I didn't bite him this time.

Here I am with mummy.  I help her write her articles, you know.

And here's a song my mummy plays me when we have cuddle-time.  It's Mister "Jones the Song" from where we used to live.

Have a good week, fans!

Love from

Simi xx woof!


  1. Oh, sorry, glad you're feeling better, Simi. :D

  2. If our wedding ever happens, and we do have a dinner/dance, I'm having this Tom Jones song for either the beginning or end of the party! It is SO romantic!

  3. So sorry about that insect! But I see your mummy takes good care of you :) Have a great week you both too!

  4. Aww poor you Simi. Still I'm glad you are better

  5. I think you should enter Simi into a doggie beauty contest, I am sure she would win!

  6. So glad you are well Simi! I love Tom Jones as well, you have excellent taste in music. Keep your Mummy Happy Sweet Girl...

  7. Relieved to hear that your insect bite problem has been solved. I'm already dreading tic and flea season coming up...time to break out the Frontline!

  8. Simi, glad you didn't bite the hand that takes care of you, including mommy's! And you are right, a girl can't be seen walking around with a huge plastic collar. Not becoming at all.
    Romancing Italy

  9. Message from Chloe Cat:
    Dahhhling Simi, I'm so sorry to learn of your insect bite..You need me nearby, I'd soon sort em out!

    Hello Welshcakes,
    Just browsing through yoursite, I've not been around much lately,
    re more health tiresome.
    After having read of Leslie's worries, I've posted a little writng for her and Lorne, which you may care to read.
    Love to you and Simi,

  10. Woof woof!

    Glad you're feeling better, simi. I had to wear one of those collars and I felt very silly!

    Woof woof
    George xxx

  11. It WILL happen, Leslie and I'm so glad you like this version of the song. Simi says, "Thank you, Auntie Leslie." Simi says, "Thank you, Uncle Fullet" and so does her mummy! "Thanks, Uncle Jams." Thanks, Gleds. I'm sure she would, too! "Thank you, Auntie Katherine. I've got much better taste in music than my mummy! I'm looking after her." "Hi, Auntie Rowena. Mummy got the frontline out today! I don't like that cold stuff but I put up with it for her." "Hi, Auntie Bev. I've never bitten my mummy but I nearly got the vetty- man last time he gave me the nasty injection thingie! Hee-hee. He didn't harf move!" "Hello, Chloe. Yes, come and sort them out for me! Love, Simi xx woof!" Hi, Trubes. Sorry about the health issues and we are thinking of you. Over to yours shortly. "Hello, George and woof! I'm sorry you had to wear one of those thingies. I hope you're better now. You look such a big boy in your photos- and very handsome! Love, Simi xx woofie-wags!"

  12. Miaow! Miaow! Simi...from Remy and Shama!

  13. Simi says, "Thanks, Remy and Shama. You are very kind cats xx woof!"

    "Thanks, Auntiw WW. Love, kissies and wags! xx"
