
Friday, February 12, 2010


The Carnival season is in full swing in Italy so, leaving Sicily for the moment, let's take a look at what is happening in the Serenissima. This is an article of mine which was published in Italy Magazine on Monday:

The Venice Carnival 2010 officially opened with the flight of an angel in Saint Mark’s Square on Sunday, watched by 75,000 people.

This year it was the turn of Bianca Brandolini D’Adda, a member of the Agnelli [Fiat] family, to swing on a harness from the top of the famous Campanile [bell tower] into the Square. Wearing gold wings and a dress of layers of tulle representing feathers, Miss Brandolini D’Adda said she had been so excited that she had not felt the cold. She admitted to having been a little frightened at first, but said her support team had been very reassuring. When she came down she said she would be happy to take the “flight” again straightaway.

On Saturday the actor Ferruccio Soleri opened the theatrical proceedings by giving his famous interpretation of Harlequin in Goldoni’s “Arlecchino servitore di due padroni” [Harlequin, Servant of Two Masters”].This is just one of the 290 shows featuring over 300 artists which will take place over the ten days of the Carnival. There are, of course, traditional processions and balls, some of which are attended by heads of state and celebrities but there are also many street events. Part of the pleasure of Carnival is to just wander around and marvel at the costumes, performances and people you will see.

This year’s Carnival is called Sensation – 6 sensi per 6 sestieri [6 Senses for 6 Districts] and its events are focused on the theme of the senses:
The Cannaregio district will focus on taste and will host cookery lessons while its restaurants will offer seasonal and local specialities.
The Castello district is concentrating on touch and is organising journeys in the dark, the inspiration of the Milan Blind Institute.
The Dorsoduro district is hosting musical events to focus on hearing and visitors to the Santa Croce district will be treated to the aromas of spices and chocolate as it celebrates the sense of smell. San Polo celebrates the “joy of the eyes” by organising cartoons, games and puppet shows for children.

Last but certainly not least, that “sixth sense” of ours will be celebrated by the San Marco district with its traditional, spectacular events and less traditional ones such as the Drag Queen Beauty Pageant which will take place on February 12th.

There is certainly something for everybody at the Venice Carnival 2010. For more information please visit:


  1. I have only been to Venice twice - for two full days and a night each time, on Royal Caribbean cruise ships. I wish I could have spent at least a week there. Alas, with retirement and my job loss, I will never get back. I had a wonderful time, though! I lived in New Orleans for six years ( went to nursing school there ) so I got to experience Mardi Gras.

  2. Ah, a feast for all the senses! Lovely! Vicarious vacation here!

  3. That sounds great. I've just mentioned the Venetians as well. enjoy and say hello to Simi for me!

  4. So much to do! Sounds great fun. Thank you for the great descriptions.

  5. That's once more than me, Carmen! I'd love to go back there, especially at Carnival. Never say "never"! Thank you, lakeviewer. Hi, James. Simi sends hugs and woofs. Glad you like them, Lady M.

  6. It certainly sounds like a fun time to be in Italy at present.

    I'll just have to rely upon my imagination!

  7. A! Venezzia ~ belissima!

  8. O/T: hope you watched Wales v. Scotland today, esp. the second half.

  9. What mask would you wear, WL?

  10. Hi, Lee. It's a great time to be here. Hi, Gleds. Yes, indeed. Hi, Sackerson. I didn't even know there was a game! Oh, I think I'd have to be a contessa, WW.
