
Friday, February 19, 2010


I can hardly believe it's nearly a week since the event. I'm still feeling very moved by all the good wishes and I've still got pics to show you but everybody dived into the food before I could take any of that!

I decided to play fifties and sixties music and I used some of my vinyl covers as decorations. The thing on the right is supposed to be a sort of collage of key figures of my youth and those crepe paper efforts are meant to be discs, just in case you were wondering:

Here I am with "my poet", Antonio Lonardo, who presented me with a poem he'd written specially.

The poem reads:


Nel salto delle cascate
si purificano i rivoli
e l'acqua corre alla foce
chiara, come alla sorgente.


In cascading waterfalls
streams are purified
and the clear water runs to the river mouth
as it does to the spring.

[My translation.]

I shall treasure this and am going to frame it.

I had been delighted to receive another poem, through the post, from my good friend Sileno Lavorini, who organises the Buggiano Poetry Competition.

It reads:

Sono solo 30 x 2 Patricia
e quando a 30 x 3 sarai,
avrai la stessa gioventù di ora
perché la tua vita tradurrai.

It's only 30 x 2 Patricia
and when you reach 30 x 3,
you'll be as young as you are now
because you will translate your life.

I'm going to frame that, too. Hey, two published Italian poets wrote verses just for me! How lucky can a girl get?

By the way, I found the Marilyn Monroe jumper at Modica Market - where else?

Now I'm opening presents and, as you see, I have a willing helper. Irma is standing behind us. This gift is an elegant black purse by Valentino from my student Salvo the postman and his wife.

Here I'm modelling this lovely bag, a gift from my student Lucia and her family. Lucia [a different Lucia to the one I usually mention] is standing behind me having a drink, with her husband. Salvo, who is a very interesting man, is behind me on the right:

Showing off perfume and shower gel, from my friend Vanessa. I have had some luxurious baths since my birthday! My student Cristiano is on my right.

Cristiano has given me a beautiful photo frame:

Here I am with my wonderful friends:

I'm going to show you more presies tomorrow.


  1. What a delightful birthday party! Thanks for sharing the photographs! I, too, still have a warm feeling from our Valentine's Day birthdays!

  2. You are so fortunate to have so many wonderful friends to celebrate with on your birthday. Looks like it was a happy one!

  3. It seems like a lovely time was had by all :-) I love that handbag :-)

  4. How wonderful. Happy Belated Birthday!

  5. Italian is such a sophisticated language... I heard they have about quadruple the choice of rhymes for any one line of poetry... (something prose translators often cite as an excuse for dull English renditions of The Divine Comedy etc ~ I note the uneven spread of English rhymes never hindered Shakespeare's sonnet-writing, or the Beatles or Bonio from U2!

    Happy Birthday

    PS the Simi-coloured dog is 4th down here:

  6. Two poems written for you! You are a superstar!

  7. It looks like you had a wonderful day Welshcakes!

  8. Hi, Nick. It was fun. Glad you have that warm feeling too. Hi, Betty. Yes, I am blessed and it was a very happy occasion. Hi, Cherie. Me too! Hi, Bella and thank you. Hi, Gleds. Yes, some translations of the DC are very dull. I like Longfellow's. Thanks for your birthday wishes. Hi, Liz. I felt like one! I did, jams.

  9. How wonderful of Antonio and Sileno to write poetry just for you, a huge honour!

  10. I love the bag and blue really suits you.

  11. I'm so happy you had a wonderful birthday and I wholly agree, Friends are the best present of all!
