
Thursday, February 18, 2010


Rosa and I were cooking for the party on Saturday when the doorbell rang and, to my great surprise and delight, these beautiful flowers arrived from jmb in Canada!

[I am all scruffy in my cooking clothes.]

Here they are again:

On Sunday morning I was cooking when these fabulous tulips arrived from the Italy Magazine gang

along with this one for Simi, who was very waggy indeed:

I'd just started cooking again when these pretty pastel tulips were delivered from my Modican friends Marco, Giovanna, Giancarla and Laura:

By 2pm it was panic stations and I sent an SOS to Linda, who immediately came to help with the preparations, bringing these spring lovelies:

And at 6pm, when the party began, kind Lucia brought these gorgeous yellow roses:

So I now have a very cheerful sitting room and I want to sit in it all the time as it's like being in a profumeria. Thank you to all my thoughtful friends.

I think the florists of Modica had a good day too!


  1. You're having a wonderful birthday week. Enjoy.

  2. What lovely flowers you received. It must smell great in your place.

  3. How lovely to be inundated with flowers and I can imagine how wonderful your room looked and smelled.

    It sounds as if you were cooking up a storm and I am sorry I missed out on the taste sensations although I am sure there are photos to come.

  4. How beautiful i so love fresh flowers in the house ..... :-)

  5. What gorgeous flowers and what wonderful friends you have. Spring has arrived at your house first. The party must have been a very happy one.

  6. Oh that's grand isn't it? I think nothing is as cheery as fresh flowers - they just lift the spirits. Happy Days to you.

  7. Looking good there, kid. The flowers too.

  8. Wow! What lovely friends!

  9. I am sure your home will be more like a florist shop - perhaps you will have sixty dozen bouquets, as you so richly deserve, by the time your 61st birthday rolls around!! I hope you had a nice celebration with all your friends.

  10. What a lucky girl you are to have so many wonderful friends :-)

  11. Thank you again, Lakeviewer. It does, Betty. Hi, jmb. It's never happened to me before! I must admit I like it. Everybody dived in too uickly for me to snap the food! Sono bellissimi, WW. Thank you, Flutterby. Yes, it was very happy. Thank you, Lady M. They really do lift the spirits - you are right. Thank you, James. Hi, Liz and thank you for the lovely card. It did make me giggle. Yes, I have wonderful friends. Thank you, Carmen. You are very kind. I am truly blessed in that, Cherie.

  12. Happy birthday! You must feel like a flower girl - how lovely.

  13. what a beautiful selection of flowers you received.

  14. You're one lucky and much appreciated lady, Pat! Lovely flowers, indeed!

  15. Thank you, Mopsa. You are kind. Yes, I am very lucky, LindyLouMac. Thank you, Lee. I still can't believe I received so many!

  16. Happy birthday Welshcakes!

  17. Don't you wish flowers would last forever?

  18. Thank you, Ardent. I do, Ellee, but I have the photos to look at.

  19. Such beautiful flowers - happy birthday (a wee bit late).
