
Monday, January 25, 2010


I was lucky enough to taste this dish of Katia's when the Italy Magazine team gathered for a Christmas meal and it was delicious. Now Katia has published the recipe here so last night I decided to make it myself. My version isn't as neat as Katia's as I am a bit of a slapdash cook but I can tell you this is easy to prepare, unusual in its blend of flavours and a success. Grazie per la ricetta, Katia.


  1. I can make things like that also used odd ingrdietns.

  2. Looks very tasty indeed! What I would like to know, how long does this last you. I wouldn't think of cooking something like this just for me..!

  3. This looks so delicious! Now, I have to peruse the posts for more goodies. Thanks.

  4. Hello. Mutley. I'm sure you can! Hi, Anne. Well, if I donn't experiment I won't know what to cook for my Principe Azzurro [whom I am hourly expecting] will I? I'm worth it! Thanks, lakeviewer. The real thanks for this one are due to Katia, though.

  5. It looks so good. Thanks for the link. I printed the recipe and photos. I can hardly wait to do it for my son, next time he visits. If I do it half as well as yours, I'll be happy. I know the taste will be yummy.

  6. Oh, my, does this sound lovely. I always seem to read recipes and see food pictures hours after dinner, then I want something that I shouldn't have right before bedtime!!!

  7. I know what I'm cooking for dinner tomorrow night ...there is pork in the freezer and the landlords gave us oranges last night.

    Thank you for sharing!

  8. A refreshing change from pork and apple

  9. Thanks, Claudia. It's honestly one of the simplest and nicest recipes I have ever tried out. I hope your son enjoys it, too. Hi, Carmen. I have the same problem! Glad you like the idea, Holly. I hope it turns out well for you. Agreed, WW.

  10. I know I would enjoy it if you cooked it for me. One day...
