
Friday, September 11, 2009


I don't often do memes but this one is simple and quick and doesn't involve an intricate set of rules. In addition, it was Leslie over in Canada who tagged me and she was tagged by Liz in Wales, then Anne in Oxfordshire told me I'd been tagged. All three of these lovely bloggers are friends of mine so how can I refuse? Here's what you have to do:

Open the fourth file where you store your photos. Pick the fourth photo. Explain the photo. Pass the challenge on to four other bloggers.

Even I can manage that; in fact, as I have two computers, I can manage it twice. Here goes:

The fourth photo in the fourth file on my desktop computer is of my beautiful, blondie girl playing with her favourite "Mister Tuggy" toy:

The fourth photo in the fourth file on my laptop is of a rice timballo that Irma made a few weeks ago. I keep forgetting to ask her for the recipe:

Now I'm going to break these nice, uncomplicated rules as I don't tag. However, if any of you would like to do this meme on your sites I'll be happy to visit.


  1. That was fun...check mine out at:

  2. Mine turned out to be my "Blog Photo" album - and the photo was one I used from a trip to the Abruzzo.

    ...and looking at my post, I realized that I never posted the photo!! lol. I'm going to go do that now, thanks this this post of yours :-P

  3. Vital issue, Welshcakes.

  4. Hi, Laura and welcome. You have a nice blog. Hi, Peter. Glad you've joined in! I'll be over to see the photo later. Hi, James. If people were more like doggies the world would be a better place. And if more of us concentrated on making timballo rather then war it would be even better!

  5. Hey, that could be my new slogan - "Make timballo, not war!"

  6. "Make timballo, not war!" Yes! Great rallying cry, Welshcakes - love it. But, en depit of the Real Thing (ie that we can eat), we must have pix ... ;-)!

  7. I'm glad you like it, Phidelm.

  8. Aww ... ain't Simi cute ...

    And the tart thing


  9. Hi, Gleds. Simi is wagging her tail because she has just read your comment! Happy Sunday to you from both of us. xx
