
Friday, September 11, 2009


Yesterday was Rosa's birthday and I was invited to a very special lunch at her home to celebrate the occasion:

First, there was pasta with sweet tomato sauce:

Rosa had made two enormous Italo-Albanian types of focaccia, one with a filling of onions and tomatoes

and one with a cheese and onion filling:

Then there was veal

accompanied by potatoes prepared as only Rosa can prepare them [recipe at the end of the post]:

It was all served with good bread and a green salad and finally there was this wonderful Albanian sponge cake made by Rosa's eldest daughter. The accompanying syrup was delicious and the cake was so light I thought it was going to fly away!

Buon compleanno di nuovo, Rosa!

Rosa's Potatoes
Peel some white potatoes and cut into large chunks. Cut up a veal escalope and put it in a roasting dish with the potatoes, some fine seasalt and some chopped parsley. Do not add any liquid at this stage as the meat juices and salt will form some. Put the dish in an oven heated to 180 C and cook until the juices have evaporated. Now add some olive oil and a small glass of white wine. Let it all continue cooking for about 10 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated. Then add 1.5 glasses of water and cook until the potatoes are ready.


  1. I don't think I ever had anything sponge cake before... Does that look good or what!?!

  2. Happy Birthday to Rosa...such a feast. I am beginning to wonder where you put it all. Hope you all had a fabulous time. :-) x x

  3. A feast fit for kings, queens and Rosa, Welshcakes & co! Delicous. I love that tater recipe, and shall definitely have a go (Irishwomen and potatoes? Whatever next!). Thank you - baci, PM

  4. Happy Birthday to Rosa ! What good friends!

  5. Hi, Peter. I am going to try to get the recipe. Honestly, it was superb. I'll tell Rosa tomorrow, Anne. We had a great time, thanks. xx Rosa will be pleased that you are going to try her recipe, Phidelm. I'll pass your good wishes on too, Pink. Yes, Rosa and her family have become close friends.

  6. I tinkz dat I wantz to movez to Sicily cause u aint gotz lotz ob nassy wassers. I hates wet. I jest wantz wasser to drinkz. OK?

    I simi, my woofie doggy fwend!

  7. Focaccia, focaccia - yum.

  8. Hi, Alex. Simi loves water and, as opposites attract, I think you would get along very well here! The water lorry man will be pleased to know that you don't waste the stuff [not like the cat in your video!] xx from me and woofs & kissies from Simi.

    You'd love Rosa's focaccia, James.

  9. yummy! Happy Birthday Rosa!
