
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yes, I'm still here! I didn't get around to posting yesterday because I spent the whole day trying to upload the video of the second TV interview about the poetry book onto youtube.

When I was first given the video file [on a memory stick] I couldn't open it, whatever I did. I tried Winzip but to no avail so I took the stick to the computer shop, where they said I needed Winrar ["Win what?"] which they put on for me. I came home, opened the file with that [eventually] then tried to upload it. No, no - not youtube-compatible so then I mucked around for hours with the video converter, which has converted the file [to something or other] twice. Then it helpfully says, "Open file?" and I say, "Yes", my documents come up and guess what? I can't find it! After hours and hours of this game I found something that looked as if it might be the file, so off I hopefully went over to youtube. I pressed "Carica video", that little circle sign that looks like the "cool air" icon on my air conditioner appeared to be going round and doing something, I filled in all the blurb about the video and it told me it had uploaded. So I go to "my videos" and it's there, all right - but with a message informing me it has been "impossibile da convertire il video". What now? I haven't the foggiest. If anyone out there has any ideas at all about this, I'll be grateful to read them!


  1. I wish I could be of some help and Arni is not here either :-( sorry WL..hope someone comes up with an answer for you :-) x

  2. Thnks, Anne. That's a very sweet thought. x

  3. Isn't that just the pitts? We think we are getting pretty techie then something like this comes along and we realize we don't know very much after all. Good luck with getting it uploaded.

  4. I can't help you either, and have also lost hours trying to solve the unfathomable with computers.

  5. I had trouble with YouTube last week. I wasted a whole evening trying to upload something. I tried 3 different file formats and all created an error message.

    Eventually someone else posted it on my behalf, he used an .mpg file.

    Also how long in time is the clip?

  6. Hi, jmb. Yes, it is. It is driving me crazy and it's probably some simple thing I am not doing. Hi, Ellee. Thanks for the thought. It's so frustrating, isn't it? Hi, Cherie. That's interesting. I've tried 3 formats too and keep getting the error message. One of thre formats was MPEG. The clip is only about 3 mins, I think.

  7. It's probably a vob file so you need to convert it to mp3 or wav ideally. Do remember that YouTube uploads are a bit limited for size. If you had one minute film then using their uploader it would probably be accepted. It depends on the original format and the size of what you are trying to upload. You could try and split what you are trying to put on YouTube into 2-3 parts and upload them as part one, etc

  8. Many thanks for the advice, DD. Much appreciated. The computer shop man came over today and after 3 hours of fiddling about, he managed to get it onto youtube. I will post it later tonight or tomorrow.
