
Sunday, July 19, 2009


The soprano Adriana Iozzia is my dear friend Irma's daughter and I have known her since she was 6 years old. So it was with considerable pride that I attended Adriana's operatic recital at Modica's delightful Teatro Garibaldi last night. [Irma had seen to it that my friends and I were allocated a box for the occasion and that made it even more exciting for of course, part of the joy of going to such an intimate and charming theatre is seeing who else is there and what they are wearing!]

Adriana is now a beautiful and confident young woman of 23 who has studied under Mirella Freni and Renata Scotto but I first realised that she had the voice of an angel when I heard her sing in a church during the Christmas festivities of 1995. Many children have pleasing voices but few continue to dedicate themselves to music in the way that Adriana has and when I heard her 10 years later I knew that she was a potential star. She is now completing her musical studies at the Conservatorio "G. Frescobaldi" in Ferrara.

Last night Adriana was accompanied by the Modican pianist Sergio Carrubba and the programme consisted of:

Mozart: An Chloe
Mozart: Giunse alfin il momento...deh vieni non tardar from Le Nozze di Figaro
Gounod: Air des Bijoux from Faust
Donizetti: Regnava nel silenzio...quando rapito in estasi from Lucia di Lammermoor
Verdi: Egli non riede ancora...non so le tetre immagini from Il Corsaro
Rachmaninov: Sogno
Puccini: Quando m'en vo' from La Bohème
Puccini: O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi [always makes me cry!]
Arditi: Il bacio
Tosti: Malìa
Tosti: L'ultima canzone

A well-chosen and interesting programme, I'm sure you'll agree, and how I wish you could all have been there to hear this fresh, lovely young voice! You really would have felt that Adriana was singing just for you, as I did.

Here is a photo of Adriana aged 9, dressed for carnival:

It is not easy to take decent photos under theatre lights so these were the best I could achieve last night of Adriana and Maestro Carrubba:

Grazie per la bella serata, Adri!


  1. Hi!
    The blog is complete the100ª post and an art design create a lovely stamp,to commemorate.Take one to decorete your blog and give it to your friends.

  2. Sounds as if you had a wonderful time! I think it is a unique pleasure to watch and hear such a performance by a person whom we have know since she was a child.

  3. Bravissima, Adriana! Sounds wonderful, Welshcakes - delightful programme and setting (wish I'd been there, too). It always enhances such events if one knows the performer. As Adriana trained with such luminaries (MF an old favourite of mine), she must sound as good as she looks: brava, encore!

  4. It sometimes feels strangely rewarding to see someone develop a talent or skill like that.

    Their hard work and talent but still you feel connected and somehow participate in their success.

  5. That's rather a demanding programme, actually.

  6. How brilliant! I went to a production of La Boheme in Lymington a couple of weeks ago and was moved to tears...

  7. Now that is special!

  8. Hi, Kinha and congratulations. I will try to put the stamp in the sidebar. It's very pretty. Hi, Nick. A unique pleasure, as you say. You would have enjoyed it, I know. You too, Phidelm. MF has always been a favourite of mine, too. Hello, Moggs. Yes, watching Adri 's musical skills develop and hearing her voice mature has been very interesting over the years. Hi, James. Demanding for the performers but such a joy for us. Hi, WW. I'd have loved to have seen that, too. Thanks, Lost - very special indeed.

  9. Wow! that sounds like a wonderful night out :-)

  10. It really was special, Cherie.

  11. What a splendid evening. I am sure you were almost as proud of her as her mother was. It's lovely to see that she is having such great success.

  12. What a stunning evening, and how proud her family must have been. I wish I had been been there too.

  13. Hi, jmb. Yes, I was. She really deserves her success. You would have loved it, Ellee.
