
Monday, July 06, 2009


I keep saying it: there is really no "secret" to making a good risotto. You just need to make sure that you have the right kind of rice and a wide, non-stick pan. You may need a little "pazienza", it is true, and don't be afraid to use your own judgement as to how much stock or water you need to add and when; the person who has written the recipe is not in your kitchen, so they cannot know how fast your hob is or see the rate of absorption, can they? My advice would be to start with half the quantity of liquid given, and when the rice has absorbed that much, add the rest a little at a time. Keep stirring!

OK, here's a risotto "cake" which you can serve hot or cold:

2 tablesp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 pint vegetable stock
12 oz arborio rice
4 oz grated caciocavallo cheese
grated rind of 1 lemon plus lemon slices to garnish
about 2 handfuls chopped, fresh herbs [I used sage, basil, chives, rosemary, thyme and parsley]
a teasp dried oregano
seasalt and freshly ground black pepper

In a wide, non-stick pan, cook the onion in the olive oil until softened [not browned]. Add the rice and half the liquid. Cook, stirring, until this liquid is absorbed. Then add the rest little by little, stirring constantly, until it is all absorbed. [On my hob this takes under 10 minutes.] Take the pan off the heat and stir in the cheese, lemon rind and herbs. Season well. Lightly oil an 8" ceramic baking dish and spoon the rice mixture into it.

If at this stage you are thinking, "Hmmm... that looks like a nice risotto as it is", well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and serve it now! If you want to continue with the "cake", cover the dish with foil and cook in the oven at 180 C for 30 mins. Then remove the foil and give it another 10 mins. If you like, garnish with lemon slices and basil. The "cake" should cut into fairly firm slices to serve.


  1. I somehow suspect the level of pazienza required is beyond me, but I reserve the right to drool all over your lovely pics!

  2. Hi WL...sounds great...might try that, have you have tried baked risotto....

    You can use any veg you like, we like bacon/pancetta, red pepper and mushrooms!! make it so many times now..:-)

  3. Tasty! I do love a good risotto

  4. I am very partial to Risotto

  5. Hi, Anne. this is a type of baked risotto. I'll have a look at the link now. Thanks. Jams and Cherie, I think risotto is one of the world's great comfort dishes.

  6. This looks and sounds delicious! It's also free from all of the stuff the girls and I can't (and won't) eat... Kewl!
    I might even be brave enough to attempt it :-)

  7. Hi, Alison. It's no bother at all to make!
