
Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Strawberries being sold by the crate, large, glossy red peppers behind them, round aubergines and smooth, dark Sicilian cucumbers on the right.


  1. Wonderful colours...reminds me of the time when all balconies are full of tomatoes drying on boards lying in the sun....I'm so there!

  2. Hi, Lucia. Yes, I love that time, too. Hi, Liz. Very yum!

  3. Oh! it is nearly that time here soon.

  4. I love the way that they only sell 3 or 4 vegs/fruit...they are so delicious too, very tasty ..!

  5. Looks mouth-watering.
    In Seanhenge the strawberries are still blooming, not to speak of the cucumbers.

    To give another evidence of my laziness:
    I was happy to read about your poetic trip to Firenze, Lady Limoncello. Lovely post, congratulations, and may Pegasus offer you many more of such poetic rides.

  6. And the nespole? I had read that there was a sagra delle nespole in Calatabiano, and have been looking forward to their arrival in the markets up north, but no such luck! We love the fruit but have had to shell out 5 euros a kilo for the spanish imports. Ugh!

    I am so envious of your fruits and vegetables!

  7. Strawberries and cream or gelato alle fragole?

  8. Oh my goodness - send them over.

  9. Anonymous8:09 pm

    seriously thinking about decamping to Scicily for a while.

  10. They look a lot more tasty than the fruit and veg at Romford market!

  11. Hi, Cherie. I once tried to make strattu [tomato paste] by drying tomatoes on boards in Britain but it didn't work as the sun is just not hot enough. Hi, Anne. I love that, too. They will only sell what is in abundance at roadside stalls like this. Sean, lovely to hear from you. I'm glad you liked the Florence post and thank you for your kind words. Hiu, Rowena. The nespole have been with us for about a month now. I'm not particularly keen on them, though. Hi, WW. Oh, ice cream, definitely. That reminds me I must send you the tiramisu alle fragole recipe. Sending you some cyber-fruit, James! Hi, VM. It would be a lovely break. Hi, jams. Glad you like the look of them.

  12. I'm really enjoying the strawberries as usual, although they are the more tasteless ones from California. Still a little Cointreau improves that problem.

  13. Yes please do send me the tiramisu recipe!

  14. Strawberries and Cointreau - what a combination, jmb! Hi, WW. Will do it right now.

  15. Drool :-) There is nothing like real, fresh produce to inspire the tastebuds. And a great photo too :-)
