
Thursday, May 14, 2009


I hadn't been to my favourite bar, the Altro Posto, since becoming ill in October. Why? I'm not quite sure myself: maybe because I didn't want to think about the last time I was there, a couple of days before going into hospital. I didn't know what was wrong with me, was so weak that I could hardly walk and I was feeling very, very scared. Or maybe I didn't want to bump into a "friend" I used to see there, who, on that same day, had commented, "What if you've got an inoperable tumour?" When that thought has already entered your mind, along with many others, you do not wish to be reminded of it just when you're trying to convince yourself that there will be a positive outcome!

But this morning, with Rosa, I decided to put all that behind me and off we went to partake of their fresh fruit and ice cream "cups". I'd forgotten just how good these are and I got a lovely welcome from the bar staff. Of course, ice cream calories, like chip calories, definitely do not count when you are out!


  1. Hi WL that is brilliant, just look at this tasty icecream, great that you got to go back to Altro posto.

    Thank you for your lovely comment about my trip, I have quite a few more photos to do..finding it hard to answer everyone !!

  2. dont you just hate it when people open there mouth and say something before they think... you know they mean no harm... but you cannot help being upset by there thoughtless talking :-(

  3. Anonymous11:52 pm

    I would never go in a bar without beer - real ale preferably!

  4. Hi, Anne. Yes, I'm glad I went back. Editing photos takes me ages so I can imagine you there with 400! But those Paris ones are lovely.
    Hi, Sally. I certainly do! You can't help being upset and you can't think of a reply at the time!

  5. You need to put a little weight on anyway, pat, and that sounds just about the best way to do it. Glad you beat the demons.

  6. I am glad you got over that hurdle I am sure you will enjoy visiting it again now :-)

  7. You'd have a job finding real ale here, Mutley! Hi, Liz. So am I! I don't want to put any weight back on, though. Grazie, WW. Hi, Cherie. Yes, I'm sure I will, now.
