
Friday, April 03, 2009


I created this dish during the week and it's my submission for the BloggerAid Cookbook. [ The deadline for recipe submission was March 31st but as I only joined the group on Sunday I asked for a few days extra.] I'm not allowed to tell you what the dish is or what the ingredients are until the cookbook is published!

All proceeds from the BloggerAid Cookbook will go to the World Food Programme's School Meals Programme and I think it's a great idea. I want to thank Bella Baita for putting me on to it.

Do pay a visit to the BloggerAid site and have a look at all the exciting things that are going on over there!


  1. Looks like tiramissou with manderines on the top!!!

  2. Well it looks delicious whatever it is. Un dolce for sure with that lovely citrus peel which I can't seem to find here.

  3. I will have to buy the book, get the recipe and get the not-wife to do it! There is a good reason for getting her to bake cakes.. Mine turn out dreadfully!

  4. I followed you over from Anne in Oxfordshies blog and I'm so glad that I did. I hope that you don't mind? The name caught my eye....
    My Prince is from South London and we still have one daughter there and one in Barry, Wales, though she works for Coca~Cola in Cardiff. I saw that you are from there. She is coming out to see us in June and our Londoner is coming later this month.
    All four of ours are grown and I long for them each day.
    Fantastic blog you have going here.
    If you have a moment or two of your life that you'd care to ask, please visit me at my blog and do say hello.
    Please have a weekend filled with love, joy and laughter and.....

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  5. Hi, Cherie. Umm.... Thanks, jmb.
    Hi, jams. Do buy the book! Midlife, I'm delighted tht you came over. Funnily enough, your blog title caught my eye at Anne's, too and I was going to come over to your blog today anyway! Fancy you having a daughter working in Cardiff! Thnks for your good wishes and kind words about my blog. Buon weekend.
