
Friday, April 03, 2009


Yesterday's object was a device for protecting a finger when cutting corn. [I could do with one myself as I think I broke a finger last night forcing open a drawer!] Here's what the friend who owns the object says about it:

"One example of cane protection for fingers - in the plural 'I cannola'. When harvesting the corn, when there was no machinery and they cut the corn with sickles (have never seen scythes here), they put a leather protection on the thumb of the left hand (I suppose rather like a finger stall) and four of these cane protections on the four fingers of the left hand. In this way the left hand was protected from a wrong stroke by the sickle, which might have sliced off a bit of hand as it came from right to left, moving fast in a hurry to get the corn cut!"

And, just so that you can all say "Ahhhh" again, here's a picture of my finger!


  1. I would never have guessed that!! I thought it was for coring out a veg, planting a bulb or just generally digging...

  2. My goodness, that is a nasty injury you have there Welshcakes. I hope it gets better soon.

  3. Hi, Cherie. I can see how it looks like a vegetable corer! Hi, jmb. I've broken a finger before so I know all they could do at the hospital would be to strap it and I can do that myself. It doesn't hurt much now but I can't straighten it.

  4. Ouch! Your poor finger! Hope it's better.

  5. Thanks, pink. It's not painful now.
