
Friday, March 27, 2009


This week I found this truffle cheese from Urbino. It has quite a delicate taste.

It is time, I think, for a food post which includes a recipe, so here it is - sort of:

I adapted this from April's Good Housekeeping [UK edition, to which I have a subscription] to ingredients available here - not that I would have followed the recipe to the letter anyway. For pork steaks, I asked the butcher to cut 6 slices of lonza [loin] more thickly than usual. I couldn't get any red onions, so browned a nice, large white one, chopped, in 2 tablesp.olive oil. [When it comes to olive oil, I simply cannot be fooling around with dinky little measures such as 1 teasp.] Then I added the pork and , turning the slices several times, cooked them until they had taken on a fair bit of colour. Then I chucked in some chunks of potato [which, regular readers will know, I refuse to peel]. Next the recipe calls for redcurrant jelly, which we can't find here, but I did have some mulberry jelly, so added a goodly dollop of that. I do have my own chicken stock in the freezer but I dislike using it in non-chicken dishes, so I just added 250 ml water and then 150 ml or a dash more of red wine. Seasoned it, let it bubble up, plonked the lid on and cooked on a low flame for 45 minutes.


  1. Anonymous11:02 pm

    WL -

    You know how Delia's recipes are reputed to be foolproof? I really am starting to think you might be the ex-pat version of her.

    Last week I was stuck for any idea what to cook for the weekend. Then I caught your cannelloni post. Ah, I thought, that's just the ticket.

    I followed your recipe and the result was beautiful. The reviews were positive, to say the least.

    Thanks yet again. And please do keep up the good work. I've come to rely on you. :-)

  2. Hi, Ludlingtonian. You are so kind! Thank you. I'm so glad the cannelloni worked for you. You've made me a happy girl!

  3. uummm good housekeeping magazine.. now i think there might be an interesting story in the june issue :-)

  4. Would that be your walking story, Sally? - Wow!

  5. shhh dont tell everyone ..... :-)

  6. I used to be an avid follower of Good Housekeeping.

  7. Hi, Sally - OK, then! Hi, Cherie. I still find it a good read, though I don't think the cookery is as good as it used to be.

  8. The truffle cheese looks good...and your casserole even better

  9. I agree with you on the teaspoon of oil...bah! And as for not peeling the husband was actually surprised to learn that you can eat them! I'll take that as a sign that his mother never peeled them, and if I were to show up with a dish of roasted potatoes with skins on, I'm sure that the family will have thought I knew nothing on cooking them. :-P

  10. Thanks, WW. Hi, Rowena. Yes, I could imagine the family's reaction! I'll say "Bah" next time I read that measurement, "1 teasp olive oil".
