
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Chiara the indefatigable produced a wonderful lunch to mark the end of Carnival today. Present were Linda and Gino, Roberta and Roberto and me. Sicilian festive lunches usually finish at about 5pm and this one was no exception.

It's always a joy to anticipate Chiara's antipasti ideas, for she is so creative. Today there were antipasti of rye bread topped with ham, cheese and walnuts

and these of pork in aspic [traditional during this season].

Cannaruzzini pasta in pork and tomato sauce followed [also traditional]:

Then there was a dish of very tender pork with sausages

with chicory and radicchio salad

and aita [chard].

After all this, a tray of sugar, various jams, homemade marmalade plus freshly squeezed lemon juice, mandarin juice and tarocco orange juice arrived.

You guessed it! This heralded the arrival of pancakes. I had mine with the tarocco juice.

Roberto and Roberta had brought these dolci. [ Chiacchiere, the traditional Carnival biscuits, are on the right.]

As I have a penchant for making my life difficult sometimes, I had made some of these pastry masks. I had found the recipe here. I found a child's colouring book outline on the net as a template and I must say I quite enjoyed myself gouging the eyes out. The recipe tells you to cover wooden spoons with baking paper and put the nose part over the handles to get a projection. This seemed to work but several of them broke in the nose part when I took them off the paper. They also started breaking when I tried to thread the ribbons in so I gave that up and just scattered the ribbons around them.

Here are Roberta and Roberto in Carnival masks made by Roberta. Roberto was determined to keep his cap on and I think it looks very good with the mask, don't you?

Meanwhile, yours truly got a Carnival crown.

And now..... who remembers this one?

The Seekers - The Carnival is Over


  1. Anonymous11:44 pm

    Chiara the indefatigable

    Well done, WL. A lovely quadruple dactyl.

    The edible masks are brilliant. I'd never have thought of that, but now will obsess about them.

    Thanks again for the on-going trials of recipes from The Silver Spoon. I've added it to my Christmas wish-list. I only hope that a certain someone (hmm, hmm) will take notice of that fact.

  2. Hi, Ludlingtonian. I didn't realise I'd done that! I've got the giggles now, imagining you obsessing about the masks! I do hope your certain someone tskes the hint.

  3. Those pastry masks are a great idea. All the food looked delicious. I'm afraid I don't remember that song.

  4. Chiara has outdone herself again! (and you too I might add). Last night I pulled much of the rich ingredients out of the fridge to incorporate into a meal fit for a... much needed limoncello at the end just to digest the whole thing.

    I don't know that I could ever live without butter, cheese and eggs for 40 days. I suppose they could be replaced by margarine, ricotta and egg substitutes, but if one is to indulge in little quantities? :-DDDDDDD

  5. Roberto looks rather like Burglar Bill!

    What a feast - and does the fast begin now?

    Those masks with ribbons on the dish look super.

  6. what a wonderful lunch and am very impressed with your pastries! I have pictures to post of catanese pasta for carnivale, very large noodles not so different than the ones you had. so delicious!

  7. I love your carnival crown and wrap. The food sounds great. I excelled myself today by cooking vegetarian stuffed peppers for my brother with pine nuts and cranberries.

  8. I was hoping to see somebody wearing one of those pastry masks!

  9. Such a another great lunch.!

    I love your scarf/wrap...really suits you :-)

  10. Thanks, Betty. The song was an enormous hit in the UK. Hi, Rowena and thanks. Oh, you definitely needed a limoncello! I could manage without butter and eggs but the cheese would defeat me! Hi, Liz. Roberto would make a very jolly sort of burglar, wouldn't he? I'd end up making him a cup of tea! I don't think people are planning to exactly fast.... Glad you like the masks. Hi, Lost. Thanks. Your pasta sounds wonderful. Will be over to see your pics shortly. Thanks, Ellee. The wrap was a Christmas present from Linda, Gino and Chiara. Oh, I wish we could get cranberries here! I'll make sure someone wears one for you next year, WW! Thanks, Anne. x

  11. wow i would be so fat if i lived in sicily .. and yes even i remember that song :-)

  12. What a wonderful looking feast :-) Yes I do remember that one... I am showing my age now ;-)

  13. Anonymous10:24 am

    Love the masks ... and I think the perfect solution was the ribbons around them, it took nothing away from the creativity.. beautiful...

    I dont know which was more lovely, her beautiful unique voice, or the tragedy of the lyrics.. Nice choice Welshcakes...x

  14. You're so energetic I don't think you could ever get fat, Sally.
    Hi, Cherie. I remember singing along to that very well. I'm sure you're young at heart. Thanks, A'Jay - glad you liked both the pastry masks and the song.
