
Monday, February 23, 2009


Rosa, Fulvio and I had decided that we just had to see the flower floats, so yesterday your intrepid Sicilian adventurers set off again for Acireale and the last Sunday of Carnival.

First, we strolled about and savoured the atmosphere: There were the performers,

the balloons,

stalls selling the sweet concoctions that Italians love to partake of on these occasions, even an hour before the biggest lunch of the week,

and of course it isn't an Italian festa without salsciccia:

We even had time to admire the detail on elegant balconies:

There were many more people than two weeks ago, everybody was in party mood and children were dressed up and having a great time throwing carnival streamers and confetti. The etymology of the word confetti is interesting because it means sugar-coated almonds [the type Italians give you before weddings, Christenings and graduations]. Originally, it was the town's aristocracy who got to ride on the Carnival floats and they would throw these sweets to the crowd. I can't help wondering if they caused any injuries among their targets and I really quite fancy that - riding along with my nose in the air and scattering a few cheap morsels in the direction of the plebs. [Dream on, Welshcakes!] Anyway. this practice died out and the gentler activity of throwing paper around replaced it. The Italian for what we know as confetti, by the way, is coriandoli.

That sweet stall got us thinking about food, so we each had a pizzetta for lunch [my, they were good!]

and carnival frittelle for dessert:

Now I'll let you enjoy the flower floats, which had satirical, political themes:

Oh, yes, and here are Rosa and Fulvio

and Rosa and me. This is my new sporty image, readers, but don't worry - I haven't forgotten myself so far as to actually do or watch any sport!

I should like to thank the hard-working people of Acireale for their tolerance, their good organisation and the wonderful entertainment they have provided over this Carnival season.


  1. A lot of work clearly went into those floats...

    I quite the fancy the idea of trying to catch the swets in your mouth- wonder if they played that game when swets was used?

  2. Hi, Crushed. Nice to have you back. No idea if they tried that - it would be nice to think they did!

  3. What fun! I wanted to go to Mardi Gras in Galveston this year, but the threat of rain scared me off.

    So that's called pizzetta. I always called it little pizza and seeing it brought back a memory. I was pregnant and not feeling well at all when we first arrived in Sicily. One of the things I couldn't stand was fish. Everytime I'd get one of those little pizzas it would have an anchovy on it. I could peel it off, but the fish taste was still there. So, I asked someone how to tell them in Italian that I didn't want the fish. They told me just to say no pesce. I did, but I still got the anchovy every time. :)

  4. How much fun! Very festive and lively. I wish we had this in America!

  5. Please tell me what breed your dog is!! It is so cute :)

  6. A very elaborate display those people put on Welshcakes. Thanks for sharing your enjoyable day.

  7. Maybe one day I'll have worked my way down to Acireale for carnevale, but for the moment I'm still stuck up north! Loved all of the pics, and of course, the food...

  8. Those floats are amazing and so creative. We have nothing like that in my area any more. I guess Notting Hill Carnival is the closest you would get.

    I hope you are well Welshcakes, you look fragile in the pic. I'm glad you have good friends there.

  9. Are you making pancakes, WL?

  10. Welshcakes, you look wonderful in your new togs. Jeans R U.

  11. Thanks for sharing! Even though Acireale is next door, we didn't make it to the real festivities this year! What a shame! I blame my son's flu turned bad cold...but your pictures and description make me feel like I got a virtual carnivale celebration!

  12. Another wonderful day with friends..and such a fun carnival
    :-)..always food involved too..I would go for the salsciccia..yummy.

    Even though you still look a tiny tiny bit least you are getting out and about and having fun with wonderful friends. I love the new sporty look..keep it up..and hey NO BLACK to be seen, oh maybe your bag is.

  13. Hi, Betty. Nice story. They somehow don't think of anchovies as being fish. I get them too, though everyone here knows I am allergic to fish! Hi, Miss B. Well, why not start one?! I'm sure you have lots of friends who would join in. My Simi is very pleased that you think she's cute. She is half Yorkshire terrier but I don't know what the other half is! She has certainly got the temperament of a Yorkie and is very much the boss around here. My pleasure, jmb. Thanks, Rowena. I'm envious of all the food festivals you have up there! Hi, Ellee. Yes, they were amazing. I've never been to the Notting Hill Carnival, to my shame. Do I look fragile? I'm a lot better, thanks. Hi, WW. No, but someone made some for me! Thank you, Flutterby. You have cheered me up. Hi, Lost. I'm so sorry you didn't make it. I'm glad you've enjoyed the posts here. There's always next year! Hi, Anne. I'm glad you liked it. My bag in that pic is blue.

  14. I bet that was really fun to see first hand :-)

  15. The first Carnival at Acireale was a lot more colourful.

    But still I wish I had been there to admire the floats and enjoy the excitement.

  16. It was great fun, Cherie. Hi, Ardent. Yes, they were but you would have loved the atmosphere the second time!
