
Monday, September 01, 2008


1st September and the south of Italy is beginning to get back to normal: people are returning from their long sojourn at the sea, the streets are busy again and the smaller shops are reopening after siesta [a lot of them don't bother during August]. My neighbour across the way has arrived back and is enthusiastically hosing everything - but everything- down as I write.

I saw the first fichi d'India [prickly pears] of the season on sale today so decided to personally declare autumn [although it was still 36 C at lunchtime] by displaying my porcelain squash and giving Leonardo the plantholder his autumn load.

Talking of prickly pears, I am quite pleased with the rate of growth of the one on my balcony, planted as a leaf a couple of years ago. And may I introduce you to Simonetta and Claude Cochon, who keep it company out there?

My voting card arrived today. Some of you may remember that I had quite a palaver getting registered to vote in the local elections and was finally issued with a piece of paper, which was torn up by the presiding officer as soon as I'd cast my vote! I couldn't be bothered going through the rigmarole again when we had the subsequent run-off for the position of Mayor so did not vote in that round. Anyway, now I have my permanent tessera [card], which was delivered to me by hand although there are no pending elections. [However, this is Italy so I probably won't have to wait long before using it!] Pazienza.

Blognote: I will probably be offline tomorrow as I have to have a non-serious [I hope!] medical procedure and may be even dopier than usual when I come back.


  1. 1st September here and it's dark by 8pm, feeling very autumnal.
    I shall be thinking of you tomorrow. Take good care. With love, Ellee xx

  2. I love the Autumn.. infact I love all the seasons for many different reasons

  3. What lovely bright photos. Congratulations on your voting card. As you say, probably won't be long till the next election.
    Good luck, everything will be fine, fine, fine.

  4. Thinking of you WL...Take Care, Anne x

    1st September, it was dark quite early, the winds were picking up, feeling very like autumn.

  5. Hope your procedure goes well. Your squash look lovely! I think I'll post a picture of my prickly pear plant in my blog for you alway give me inspiration!

  6. We claim autumn starts here in July! It's more a feel in the air than anything else though. Seems to be truly autumn now!

    Best wishes for today.

  7. Meant to say how much I like your plant-holder!

  8. Love the porcelain squash...wishing you well :) x

  9. Good luck with the procedure Dear Welshcakes...Thinking of you.

    Di xx

  10. Hope all goes will with your medical procedure.

  11. Wow those squashes look great. I hope the procedure went okay.

  12. Glad you got your voting card :-)

    I hope your procedure went OK!

  13. Hope all went well and you'll soon be feeling back to normal.

  14. Autumn is my time of the year. You always get what you expect regards the weather,the colours are beautiful and I love the cosy evenings. I hope all went well at the doctors yesterday.

  15. Yes, I was thinking about that and hope it turned out all right.

  16. It seems you have all the mellow fruitfulness without the mists. Please send some of your sunshine over here: it was the most miserable August in living memory. Hope the doc's goes well.

  17. I hope it all went well Welshcakes, thinking of you.

  18. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. They helped so much! All is OK. Auguri a tutti dalla Sicilia xxxx
