
Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is for my Mum, who died fifteen years ago today. She always said that the song gave her peace. The Welsh, of course, deem it to be the most beautiful love song in the world but let us be diplomatic here and say that it is certainly among the most beautiful. I do not post this in sadness - only with love. Pace, mamma.
I have been talking to some of my Siclian students about the music of Wales this week and explaining how there is nothing to compare with the swell of sound of a Welsh male voice choir at its most robust or the way in which, in gentle mood, it can fill your heart with the hiraeth [longing].


  1. Last night on Last Choir Standing on the BBC it was won by a Welsh Male Voice Choir. They were magnificent

  2. Sending big hugs to pleased you aren't sad, just thinking of your mum with love.

  3. Hi WL...we have had a series called Last Choir Standing over here, it has now finished..but you can still watch it here. I think you might like here is the link...

    Two Welsh choirs in it...and one from Cardiff ...:-)

  4. I always associate 'Bread of Heaven' with Welsh male voice choirs.

  5. Oh, hiraeth is the word!

    Yes, I agree with your Mum, but the song made me cry anyway - I'm like that. Peace to your mother, and to you.

  6. It is a beautiful song Welshcakes.

  7. Thank You Welshcakes it is beautiful it brought many memories of Wales and also my reminded my of my singing days. I really should get back to it.

    Like Dragaonstar it made me cry too, fond memories of one of my music teachers who remained a friend over the years.

    Sending you some love and *hugs* xx

  8. ... t's nice, Welshcakes, to imagine your Mum smiling when dropping by, reading and listening ... :)

  9. Very stirring Welshcakes, love and hugs :)

  10. Without broadband I can't easily play this song but I know it of old - gorgeous.

    The singing from Cardiff Arms Park - and now the Millennium Stadium - makes me all-a-tingle!

    A lovely way to remember your Mum.

  11. That is really beautiful - thanks for sharing.

  12. How heartbreakingly lovely. This old world needs more people singing like this.

  13. R.I.P. for your mother, WL. Was she as good a cok as you? I made your ciabatta, by the way, and it was well received, so thank you for that.

  14. So is THAT Myfanwy? I always wondered what that tune sounded like!

    PS did you know "cor meibion" literally means a "choir of the sons"..?

    Aren't Welsh male voice choirs the best? I've found oftentimes that Welsh women singers tend to be shrill:~~ why do the men have it all in the valleys..??

  15. You are so right to say there is nothing like the sound of a Welsh male voice choir except perhaps a Cornish male voice choir! It must be the mining industry and now the rugby terraces are a great way to exercise the vocal chords. Powerful sound and emotional stuff. Wonderful happy way to remember your mum.

  16. What a lovely memory for and of your mum - so glad you remember her with love and without the sadness. I've just got back from seeing one of my beloved daughters and her small daughter and feel full of thanks for their steadfast love for me and mine for them - and to my other girl and all the wonderful women I know

  17. A song known and loved by everyone, even the non Welsh. Was it on the CD, I don't remember?

    Too bad I can't get the BBC feeds here. I wonder if someone put it on YouTube. They usually do.

  18. So beautiful. I wanted to know "the story", so here are the words. A lovers quarrel.

    "Why is it anger, O Myfanwy,
    That fills your eyes so dark and clear?
    Your gentle cheeks, O sweet Myfanwy,
    Why blush they not when I draw near?
    Where is the smile that once most tender
    Kindled my love so fond, so true?
    Where is the sound of your sweet words,
    That drew my heart to follow you?
    What have I done, O my Myfanwy,
    To earn your frown? What is my blame?
    Was it just play, my sweet Myfanwy,
    To set your poet's love aflame?
    You truly once to me were promised,
    Is it too much to keep your part?
    I wish no more your hand, Myfanwy,
    If I no longer have your heart.
    Myfanwy, may you spend your lifetime
    Beneath the midday sunshine's glow,
    And on your cheeks O may the roses
    Dance for a hundred years or so.
    Forget now all the words of promise
    You made to one who loved you well,
    Give me your hand, my sweet Myfanwy,
    But one last time, to say "farewell".

    This is a beautiful tribute to your Mother.

  19. That is excellent news, RH. Thank you. Thanks, Anne. Will look at the link in a mo. Hi, Crushed. Yes, me too. Thank you, dragonstar. The song always makes me cry, too! Glad you like it, jams. Many thanks, cherrypie. You are so lucky if you can sing - I must be the only Welsh person who can't!x That is a lovely thought, Sean. Thank you. Thanks, nunyaa. Love and hugs to you, too x Thanks, Calum. I know what you mean about that tingle factor! Many thanks, cb. Thank you, flutterby. I agree. Hi, WW: Yes, she was a great cook, always willing to try something new. Glad the bread turned out well. Hi, Gleds. Well, now you know! I don't think the women are shrill, though.... Thanks, kissa. Yes, something about the mining and the rugby! Hi, Sally and thank you. Glad you had such a lovely visit. Hi, jmb. No, not on thatparticular CD. Hope you can find the programme on youtube. I will have a look for it there too. Thanks, marymary. x

  20. Hello Welshcakes, that was a lovely tribute to your dear Mamma.
    The Welsh male voice choirs are, without doubt, the best.
    I wonder what makes the Welsh men such wonderful singers, I know their are a lot of Italian families in Wales so, is their any connection?
    It is widely known that many famous male opera singers are Italian.

    Thinking of you and your dear Mamma at this special time.


  21. Thoughts are with you and her.

  22. Hi, Trubes. So sorry - thought I'd replied here. Yes, I often wonder if there is a connection - maybe mountains and valleys and a certain pride in just being alive?

    Thank you, James. I appreciate that.

  23. Wonderful. There's always a welcome in the hillsides for you, welshcakes.

  24. Thanks, Liz. That does mean a lot. xx

  25. Hi, I'm researching this song for Soul Music on Radio Four. Can you email me?

  26. Hi, Maggie. Yes, I've just emailed you.
