
Saturday, August 09, 2008


It's been at least 43 C here again today, but about half an hour ago, I looked out and saw some sweet, wonderful rain! It was hardly enough to wet the rooftops but it has cleared the air for now and I couldn't resist dancing a little "rain jig" on the balcony!

In such weather, I am always on the lookout for new salad ideas and yesterday this chicken and courgette inspiration came to me: it is really an adapation of the chicken and artichoke salad recipe I posted here, but I think it works just as well, if not better:

Use 1 chicken escalope per person and marinate these for at least 2 hours in some balsamic vinegar. Griddle the escalopes. Let these cool, season them with black pepper and sprinkle some lemon juice over. Meanwhile make a dressing from about 4 tablesp olive oil, 1 tablesp balsamic vinegar, 1 tablesp flavoured honey, some dried oregano and the juice of half a lemon. Chill this. Now, here we can get jars of grilled courgettes which have been preserved in olive oil and wine vinegar. Hopefully you can obtain this ingredient, too, and if so, drain the courgettes and sprinkle lemon juice over these, as well. After a couple of hours, cut the chicken into pieces, place in a serving bowl, add the courgettes and dressing and mix well. This tastes good immediately and even better after 24 hours in the fridge!


  1. Great recipe just in time, Lady Limoncello. :)
    We have lots of courgettes this year.

  2. Mmm! sounds delicious :-)

  3. you could toss a bit of anise seed in there and make a good thing even better.

  4. I could pack up some rain and send it to you if you like!

  5. Thank you, Sean. Buon appetito! Thanks, cherrypie. Excellent idea, FC - I will try it next time. Oh, please do, Liz!

  6. Well for once WL I am unsure..I like the idea, but as for preserved grilled courgettes not sure. Like grilled courgettes but not soggy ones!!!

  7. More yumminess from your part of the world, Welshcakes although I can take courgettes or leave them. I'm sure if I ate this dish I would love it.

  8. Hey Welshcakes, Makes the boring salad I ate for lunch look pretty ordinary, so jealous of your heat, it's freezing here xo

  9. Hi, Anne. They aren't soggy! Come over and have some, jmb! Hi, Kyles. We could really do with some cool here!

  10. Sorry WL I just assumed that if they have been preserved they would be quite soft..:-)

  11. No prob, Anne. Thanks, Gleds.

  12. I don't know what a courgrette is? Spelling I know is horribly wrong.. so sorry!


  13. Ciao, M. No worries. Courgettes are zucchini x
