
Monday, August 11, 2008


"Cerca lu beni e aspetta lu mali"
= "Look for the best but expect the worst"
- Sicilian proverb.
Our water problems here in Modica seem as nothing compared with what the poor folk of Agrigento are going through, according to this report: The water supply there is compared to a "colander" and water is being delivered to each district only every 10 days. Now, every 10 days is about the norm for here, but the report does not state how much water is being delivered at a time over in Agrigento. Here at least when the lorry does appear, we get our 10 cubic metres, enough to keep us going till the next time [barring leaks in the tank and other disasters which I have written about before].
The citizens of Agrigento were promised an extra supply from the desalinator at Gela, but farmers along the route have apparently damaged the conduit by breaking into it in order to water their crops. And who can blame them, in a way?
The Mayor has asked for help from the Army in patrolling the conduit and states that the citizens cannot even be guaranteed a wash every day. How my heart goes out to them as I remember the problems we have had with water in this building during the summer period in past years.
Last week, the kindly water lorry driver rang my bell to say that our cistern was full [at least it was on Friday] but that, if I would sign the receipt there and then, he himself would keep an eye on the supply and fill us up when necessary. [I don't suppose he wants to come out on the bank holiday, the 15th, if he can help it!] So I trust him but if we run out on the 15th I shall be writing a grumbly post!
Meanwhile, back in beleaguered Agrigento [and such a beautiful city it is] the seawater has been polluted by sewage let loose by the breaks in the conduit - right in the middle of the tourist season!


  1. If I could, I would send you all the surplus water we have here in the tropics Welshcakes, I guess its these things that make Sicily what it is and gives it character. Hope you are well :)

  2. Oh no! Agrigento IS a beautiful city and I can surely attest to that as it was a gorgeous view from the window of my hotel just outside of town.

  3. This water issue is galling. One day, maybe, they'll resolve it but not while it is a money spinner. Hope you're personally well and cooking up a storm! :)

  4. how sad, there are so many people in 1st, 2nd and 3rd world countries without access to a regular supply of clean water, I wish we knew what the answer was and how to better manage this resource, definately something we take for granted over here Welshcakes, even though we have been in drought for years...sighs xo

  5. Grazie WL - I'm going to use that info to spice up my next water report!

  6. That proverb seems a bit cynnical for the Sicilians...

    ... (or maybe not)


  7. Have the leaks in your cistern been completely fixed then, WL? Water is such a precious thing and one too many of us take for granted.

  8. Good advice that proverb gives. Poor Sicily does have such trouble with water. I wish I knew how it could be fixed.

  9. I hope you do get your water on time!

  10. Anonymous7:55 pm

    How much do you pay for water? Mines on a meter and seems to be about 50 quid a month.. ie 600 quid a year..

  11. Reading your posts on water supply Welshcakes it makes me realise what we take for granted. I will never complain about our water supply.

  12. I appreciate the thought, nunyaa. Leslie, I agree with you on Agrigento - I think it is the most beautiful city. Hi, James. Not so sure it's a money-spinner. Otherwise, yes and yes! Kyles, I agree. It is so sad. My pleasure, WW. Hi, Gleds. Sicilians can be very cynical indeed! Ciao, flutterby. Hopefully yes, but I am touching wood as I write! Ciao, dragonstar. So do I! Thanks, cherrypie. Will let you know. Mutley, I don't know. I haven't yet had a water bill!! Hi, jams. I don't think I'd complain about water either, if I ever came back to the UK!

  13. This post really makes me think about how much I take water forgranted. BG

  14. Thanks, BG. I never, ever thought about it till I moved here!
