
Friday, August 29, 2008


A literary quiz tonight. Look away from the photo now if you don't want help!
Q - - - - - - - -, Modica's own Nobel Laureate .

U Barry - - - - - - - - , author of The Ruby in her Navel, novel set in Norman Sicily.

A The - - - - - - Picker, novel set in Sicily by Simonetta Agnello Hornby.

S Dacia Maraini's novel about the lives of the 18th century Sicilian aristocracy, La lunga vita di Marianna Ucrìa, was published in English as The - - - - - - Duchess.

I- Fu Mattia Pascal, novel by the Sicilian playwright Luigi Pirandello.

M - - - - - - - - - , fictional detective created by Andrea Camilleri.

O - - - - - di Capra, collection of Sicilian proverbs collated by Leonardo Sciascia. Clue: Eye!

D - - - - - Dolci, author who became known as "The Gandhi of Sicily".

O Complete the following line of poetry from Quasimodo:
- - - - - - sta solo sul cuor della terra
Highlight below for answers:
Quasimodo; Unsworth; Almond; Silent; Il; Montalbano; Occhio; Danilo; Ognuno.


  1. Anonymous11:57 pm

    I cant do any of them.. apart from the Nose Picker. famous book that...

  2. Well one is better than usual ;-)

  3. I'm afraid you are making the quizzes too difficult now Welshcakes. I slogged through Dacia's book in Italian so I haven't a clue about the English title.

  4. I just sent it to my cousin who lives in Sicily to see how she does!

  5. Ah, many are the dayus I was near that sign in the picture. :)

    How is the health and the heat, WCL?

  6. the cousin in sicily got 6 right

  7. Well done, Mutley! You, too, cherrypie. Sorry about that, jmb. I just thought it was an interesting pointer about translation - how some titles translate well and others do not, etc.

  8. RH, I'll be interested to know. I'm confused now: kingpin, are you a different person?
    James, I thought you mght recognise it. The weather is cooler than when you left and the evenings are lovely now. But we need some rain!

  9. kingpin is me, the cousin of RH who asked me to look at your quiz

  10. Many thanks, kingpin, both for looking at my quiz and for answering my question. Auguri.

  11. Welshcakes, she got 6 correct! I'm impressed.
