
Wednesday, June 18, 2008


- but not in that order:

1. As I was strolling along with Simi this evening, my kind neighbour asked, "Would you like some plums?" She then proceeded to fill a carrier bag with half the produce of her tree. These smell and taste sublime.
2. This irregularly-shaped peach was among a kilo I got from the greengrocer's. I cannot help thinking that it would not be sold in Britain. Here people would look at you strangely if you were to refuse it for what, after all, can be wrong with the taste?
3. James mentioned that he hadn't had a whole pizza since he has been here, so tonight we sauntered along to the pizzeria in the square, where I had a diavola [spicy Italian sausage, mushrooms, olives and prosciutto] and James had a specially made concoction of peppers and salame pizza.
4. I finally got him to taste my favourite dessert, gel al limone, also in the pizzeria. "Blob!" was his comment on one of my posts featuring this dolce, but I think he appreciates it now! Again, I just love the way Sicilians decorate this dessert.


  1. gel al limone - Mmmm! now if James doesn't enjoy that desert it is wasted on him... My mouth is watering at the thought!!!

  2. That peach reminds me of the bananas you wont see in supermarkets only at road side fruit stalls, the two in one bananas. Those plums make my mouth water, stone fruit is one of my favourites.

  3. It all looks so yummy, Welsh! I need to make sure I'm not starving before reading your blog...I'm drying and freezing cherries tomorrow...btw, I've made three batches of Limoncello!

  4. I often wonder what they do with the irregular shaped fruit and vegetables here where everything is perfect. Probably juice it!

    It does look blobby but I know it tastes great and they deserve a gold star for presentation.

  5. How kind of your neighbour...your right WL, anything irregular in shape would not be sold, ,and I bet it tastes better than ours ...Pizzas sound delicious, I had a whole one when we were there..had one in a very cute place in Ortiga...

  6. Those plums are early, aren't they?

  7. Love that first picture. Book, please.

  8. Oh to have such generous neighbors! Welshcakes you and James both are living the beautiful life right now. Not only is Sicily getting all the sun, but free plums....gaaaah! Kisses to Simi. :-)

  9. I love plums! We have the grand total of three or maybe four peaches on our tree this year!

    Those pizzas look good too.

  10. Seems eerily familiar, this scrumptious food. By the way, was the juxtaposition of that piece of fruit intentional? Just asking. :)

  11. I think he likes it now, cherrypie. Hi, nunyaa. I love stone fruit, too. Ciao, pink. Congrats on the cherry-freezing and the limnoncello! Ciao, jmb. Perhaps juicing is the answer. Yes, a gold star, indeed , for their presentation here. Ciao, Anne. It did taste lovely. A whole pizza is what you always get here! Hi, WW. Just a little, I would think, yes. Thanks, Sackerson. Trying!! Hi, rowena. Yes, I think we are. and it was so kind of my neighbour, as you and Anne say. Ciao, Liz. the pizze were excellent! Does George like peaches or plums? James, I leave it all to your active imagination!

  12. I tend to give the boys pizza, but don't eat them myself. I know, however, that I couldn't resist a Sicilian pizza!!
