
Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hi, folks! Simi here.

I had my summer haircut today and got my nails done, too [which is more than my mummy has managed, recently]. Not before time, any of this! My friend Mr Enzo from the doggie-beauty-parlour picked me up at 4.30 pm and he told mummy we'd be back at around 7.30. Well, he can't help being an Italian, can he? So we got back at 8.45. I have it on good authority from lo zio James that mummy was pacing the floor and calling for her baby!

Well, I think I look most elegant and mummy and Uncle James say I look like Audrey Hepburn [who?!] in Roman Holiday [whatever that is]. I do think I'm starting a fashion, though - Mme Sarkozy, eat your heart out - as all the doggie-males in this street gave me Italian wolf-whistles upon my return, One even wailed his adoration for me from his balcony as we passed, just as an Italian lover should!

Mummy says we must make no apology for again featuring the lovely Patrizio and this song here. [I prefer that black poodle down the road myself, but there's no accounting for taste with humans!]

'Bye for now, fans.
Simi xx



  1. Not only the black poodle I suspect. The new sleek Simi should get them in.

  2. Ahh Simi looks a little beauty!

  3. Cute.

    (My mother had to put her cat down last week)

  4. Simi you look absolutely stunning! It's been awhile since I've seen you on the blog -- you've been dearly missed!

  5. WoW! Simi you look so glamorous :-) I bet you had fun with all that pampering ;-)

  6. Oh my gosh, Simi, no wonder mummy put up that song for you. Now, you're not the right species for Patrizio, but I am, even if a teensy bit shall we say "mature", so send him MY WAY!!! And tell your mummy she better stop putting up Patrizio's songs or I'll be on the next plane outta here. ;D Oo la la....

  7. Ciao Simmi,
    S guarda bella!!!!

  8. Well Miss Simi, you certainly must be breaking those Italian doggie hearts with your new look.

    Senza dubbio, una bellissima signorina!

  9. How would you describe the colour of her coat? Sicilian apricot?

  10. Simi Dahrling; Chloe here:
    You look absoltely purrrfect, even tho' you're not of the feline variety.
    I have to manicure my nails on a daily basis, put me near water and I scream like a banshee.
    So no hair washing for me!

    Mama Di does brush me occasionally, when she remembers, and this, is only prompted when cough up a fur ball, which makes her cross, should this happen, when I'm relaxing on the luxurious bed that she and Daddy occupy at night.
    Why they cant sleep in one of the other beds in the house, heaven only knows. A cat must have her comforts.

    I do hope you havn't conceded defeat and let the 'Uncle J' take over your favourite chair.

    Anyway Dahling you look soooh gorgeous.....

    Love to your Mummy and Uncle J. My Mama sends her love too. xxxx

    Princess Chloe.

    Pssst.I'm not really speaking to them.

    They went out yesterday to a party at 4pm and didn't return until 11pm...

    I was starving! it took two plates of prawns to placate me.
    The rabbit hadn't been fed or put in his hutch and Chico (cockatiel) was shrieking, because he likes to go into a darkened room after sundown.

    Too make matters worst, Mama was tipsy and staggered off to bed giggling...Shameful behaviour...C.xx

  11. Who's the star here - Simi or her mother? :)

  12. Simi has a very stylish owner and can't let the side down!

  13. Cor, simi, you look gorgeous! (You know my mummy calls me gorgeous georgeous!) I don't have to have haircuts; I will just drop my hair wherever I like.

    I have had a very boring day today, simi, as my daddy works at home on Fridays while mummy goes to work and HE WON'T LET ME ESCAPE! He doesn't let me go out on my own. Isn't that mean of him?

    Gotta go now. I think I heard mummy mention fish and chips. (Not that I'll get any I expect, grumble, grumble.)

    Love from Wales and me, george xx
    And from mummy too.

  14. Simi, you look absolutely stunning. No wonder you got wolf whistles!

  15. Hi, James. She is more adorable than ever, isn't she? Simi is most flattered, Uncle Jams! So sorry to hear that, JJ. Simi says, "Thank you, zia Rowena!" "Ditto, zia cherrypie!" "Auntie Leslie, I still don't know what you all see in Patrizio - he's not even a dog! - but you're welcome here any time!" "Ciao, zia M from the US! E grazie." "Zia jmb, heartbreaker is my name!"
    Hi, WW. Sicilian apricot is a description we both like. Thank you.
    Simi to Chloe: "Thank you, Chloe. I think you are a very fine cat. You are clever to be able to give yourself a manicure! I agree - these humans just don't know their place! Don't worry - no way is Uncle J having my chair! A girl has to know when to say "No", don't you think? If I were you, I'd keep up your campaign of silence till you get what you want with your particular humans - nothing works better in my experience, hee-hee! Lots of love to you and them, Simi and mummy xx"
    Oh, definitely Simi, James!
    Many thanks, Ellee.
    Simi to George: "Hi, gorgeous George. Have you scaled any fences today? Your Daddy must be very strict but I expect he means it for your own good - this is the older woman talking to you, George darling. Love to your mummy and daddy and to Wales from my mummy and me. xx"
    Simi to dragonstar: "Thank you, zia dragonstar. I like having all these new aunties! xx"

  16. Simi, you are adorable!

  17. Simi is an absolutely beautiful dog...

  18. Simi says, "Thank you kindly, zia indigo-daisy and zio Gleds!" xx

  19. Miss Simi you look gorgeous as always :-)
