
Friday, June 27, 2008


40 C again today so for once we forsook the robust cooking and the crowd at the Altro Posto and wandered down to the Caffè Consorzio to sit under an olive tree and partake of a more refined Mediterranean menu:

First, these beautifully presented antipasti were offered. [The bowl contained couscous with vegetables.] Then James chose noce di vitello [veal] whilst I went for the medaglie di maiale con salsa di pomodorini arrosti [medallions of pork in a sauce of the freshest, tiniest Modican tomatoes]. We both had roasted vegetables as a contorno.

Finally, a gelato misto for each of us, topped with fresh plums.

All this plus drinks, the breeze, the calm and the atmosphere for 31 euros [for the two of us]. What more could anyone want? Coffee, by the way, was on the house.

James gives his impressions here.


  1. Sounds a lovely day. You live in a beautiful place, even if it has its problems at times.

  2. A lovely day! The food looks fantastic bet it tasted great. And what beautiful surroundings..:-)

  3. Do Italians ever skip meals like me and nibble too many naughties?

  4. That is indeed a bargain! Lovely outing for you both.

    Can I put in my plug for losing the word verification? It is absolutely unnecessary since you have comment moderation although I use neither and have deleted maybe half a dozen spam comments in 17 months. I know it puts me off commenting at a lot of places.

  5. Hi, dragonstar. I do, indeed. Thanks, anne. Hi, Ellee. In my experience, they do not skip main meals. Hi, jmb. I like the word verif - it makes me feel safer.

  6. Oh... in the pictures I can see the sun casting tree shadows on the food which all looks so delicious! Mmmm! how wonderful :-)

    We have Autumn weather here and it is supposed to be summer!!!

  7. Sounds simply dreamy! How bout you send some of that magic our way =)

  8. The mention of medallons of pork made my mouth water Welshcakes, hmm am just having steak and steamed veges tonight :-)

  9. Hi, cherrypie. Yes, I love those shadows, myself. Makes you feel all lazy.... Hope the weather improves over there soon. I will try, indigo-daisy. I'm sure your meal was lovely, nunyaa.

  10. A meal fit for a king (and queen). 31 euros is a steal! One day we'll get there!

  11. Gosh I feel hungry now... Thanks! LOL... 31 Euros... wow! That would be close to 100 dollars here which I assume is about 60 Euros or close too.

    :) Plus I am sure the food wouldn't be half as good!


  12. James is clearly enjoying the siestas

  13. It would be lovely to see you here, Rowena. Hi, M. About $55, I think. He is, WW.

  14. Welshcakes

    Looks good.

    What's the invisible Myspace button thing that takes me off your site in the top LH corner?



  15. Thanks, Matt. It's for that ice cream graphic in the sidebar. I think I will take it off as it sems bothersome.
