
Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Yes, the Welshcakes distillery has reopened! In order to use up some of the plums my kind neighbour gave me on Friday, I decided to make plum liqueur today: the plums have to macerate, with crumbled cinnamon, in white wine for 5 days; then the mixture will be strained, sugar added and it will all be heated gently. When it is cool, some pure alcohol will be added , it will be strained again and left for a month.
Answer to last night's "Where in Sicily?"
"Welcome" mosaic at a house in Morgantina.


  1. sounds delish....i should try something else after my sloe gin turned out so nice :-)

  2. I need to get my passport renewed very quickly!!!

  3. Thank you for the video clip of Modica/Ragusa. I've not been to Modica but I've been to Ragusa and Noto and loved both cities. I love Sicilian Baroque, it was Baroque that led me to visit Sicily twice in 1 year (2007). I loved both trips and wants very much to come back for a 3rd time.

  4. Sounds as if lots of alcohol is consumed in the Welshcakes establishment, still you must be saving money "distilling" it yourself.

  5. Oh I think my comment disappeared into thin air. It does not say saved for approval. Toss this one if it did.

  6. Does this drink put hairs on the chest of whoever is sampling it? How potent is it Welshcakes?

  7. That's a good idea for my plums - my jars are all full of unset rhubarb & ginger jam

  8. You need lots of space to store all these jars. I'm sure it will taste really scrummy, I love plums...

  9. I'd love to tey some of your sloe gin, Sally. You must, cherrypie! Thank you, annechung. Do come for a 3rd visit and maybe we could meet! Jmb, in this weather, we have to drink all the time - not necessarily alcohol, though. Nunyaa, I'll let you know when I finally open that bottle! Hi, WW. So frustrating when preserves don't set - they are very temperamental, in any country, I find. Hi, Ellee. Lack of storage space has been the bene of my life, wherever I have lived!

  10. Now the storage space issue! I can fully sympathise with that...

  11. Anonymous9:45 am

    I shall be with you in about a month I hope... when I first read the title by the way I thought it was about Pugs ...

  12. Oh is that what that was on the kitchen table? Wow! Bet you won't get me peeling fruit again after that pork last night. Ha ha.

    By the way, remind me one day, Welshcakes, to speak with you on the topic of word verification.

  13. I still think you should send samples to fellow bloggers...

  14. Anonymous5:46 pm

    Oh, so he's here too.

    WL the only concern I have with your site is that some advertising had hijacked it so clicking on your title image brings up the ad people's site not yours. What happened there - do investigate it WL.

    As for all your cooking, leaves me feeling most exhausted. You are incredible. (This is Shirl, now posting as Lola because of lots of mistakes last night! Read Lola's post please). Thanks WL, Shirl.

  15. Lola is right about the graphic...

    It is on the left hand side of your header, I think it is to do with the Ice cream picture you posted in your sidebar. They both take you to MySpace graphics.

  16. I think blogger just ate my comment...

    I was agreeing with Lola, there is a link to MySpace graphics to the left of your header. I think it has something to do with the ice cream picture you added in your side bar, which takes you to the same web page!

  17. I can see a link to the right of my header, which has always been there when I have used these graphics. I can't see anything to the left. Do you think it's really a problem or off-putting? Would appreciate knowing.

  18. Mutley, what a meeting that will be! Thanks, cherrypie. Storage space is a pain. Buona sera, your lordship. You seem to speak to me daily about word verif! I will try, Crushed!

  19. No it's not a problem, it is just something new. Hover over the left of your sidebar and you will see a hand... On another PC I check your page on this shows as a big square with a cross in in the corner. As long as you know it is there it's fine it doesn't spoil you page :-)

  20. Anonymous2:45 pm

    "I can see a link to the right of my header, which has always been there when I have used these graphics. I can't see anything to the left. Do you think it's really a problem or off-putting? Would appreciate knowing."

    The link in the right hand corner flashes quite fast and not good for people (like me) with eye/brain problems but can be ignored once scrolling down the page.

    However, when reading a page in your blog, clicking on your title header should return user to your home page. In your case, it takes user to so in that sense your blog has been hijacked and is not working as intended.

    Otherwise, there's no blog like it! You don't overpost, you provide entertaining and educational material and you don't navel gaze all the time.

    Lots of love, Shirl & Lola xx

  21. Is it a headbanger brew?

  22. Many thanks, cherrypie. Much appreciated. Many thanks for the info, Shirl. I am thinking what to do about it. And your kind comments about the blog mean a lot to me, too. Hi, Mopsa. I should think so!
