
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The little plate of complimentary snacks that most bars serve with an aperitivo here continues to be a delight and I must say that at the Altro Posto they have become very generous with this fare lately: as you see, spiedini of one kind or another seem to be in vogue and for the past week or so a fresh plate of these has been served with each drink. [If you're going to have one aperitvo, you might as well have two, especially on a sunny day just made for people-watching!]

Cosciotto [chicken thigh fillet] was on the main menu today, served with a contorno of spinaci. As you see, they didn't stint on the latter either!


  1. A most excellent place indeed, that Altro posto. I wonder why this has changed recently.
    Too much good food at this site recently. We'll be getting fat.

  2. I want to go to the same bar you do Welshcakes :-)

  3. Anonymous1:02 pm

    That all looks, as usual, very tasty and wonderfully presented. How on earth could anyone keep their weight down living where you do. WL!

  4. Are the drinks as generous portions as the complimentary food? I certainly couldn't eat a meal after those tasty nibbles.

  5. I've always loved the grilled meat in Sicily, I don't know how they do it but it tastes so incredible. I've been to Ragusa and Noto, I didn't have time for Modica, much to my regret. I left my heart in Sicily.Thank you for providing this lifeline.

  6. Have you spotted Signor Bellissimo recently?

  7. Ooo... Looks good. What a nice way to make a customer feel welcome. It does make a person's mouth water. I think I hear lunch calling.

  8. Those are COMPLIMENTARY snacks?! What is a meal like?!

  9. Anonymous11:06 pm

    I have recently acquired a tin of 'baked beans' - do you have any recipes for this exotica?

  10. Hi, jmb. Don't know why it's changed but not complaining! Let's hit it together, nunyaa! Ciao, Book Owl. Well, the women do spend an awful lot of time in the gym! Hi, Ellee. I can only say that they mix the best g & t in town. Welcome to my blog, annechung. I do hope you visit Modica nest time you are in Sicily. I agree - the grilled meat is fantastic. Sadly, not lately, WW. But roadworks in that street may be discouraging some car users to come along at the moment. Ciao, flutterby. I agree - it makes you feel welcome and so you want to stay there! Sorry, your Lordship. Hi, Liz. Yes, good portions for the meals, too! Mutley, I envy you - I have to go to Ragusa to get those!

  11. Those look like very generous portions for appetizers. I guess they want you to stay for that second - or third drink.

  12. The best thing besides actually being in Sicily is living vicariously through you :-) Long may you find food delights to share with us lol

  13. Hi, Leslie. Yes, I think that's the trick! Many thanks, mg.
