
Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Please forgive lack of posting: I have not been well today, having had a flare-up of an old ankle injury which reduced me to sitting around with ice on my foot all day! If I normally visit your blog but have not managed it in the past week, please do not give up on me - I'll be there soon.

Auguri to all our readers from Welshcakes and Simi xx


  1. Welshcakes I hope you are feeling better.

    I have been informed that the best relief for ankle pain is to have a charming, Sicilian man give you a gentle massage.

    It may work?

  2. Many thanks , Ardent, and I will do my best to try that cure! x

  3. This is not fun I'm sure Welshcakes. I hope that you recover soon from this new/old affliction.
    Take care.

  4. I'm sure you will do your best to find a bellisimo italiano for that massage. So sorry you're laid up - I sure know what it's like to want to be up and about, but can't do it. :( Take care of yourself.

  5. I popped over because I've ben a poor visitor of late.

    Get well soon! xx

  6. I think we would all be far more worried about you and your ankle instead of 'why did you visit us' :-) It was a very kind thought on your part - hope you are up and high-kicking again soon ...

  7. Just get that ankle up and running Welshcakes! It doesn't matter to me if you can't stop by...I check in often for updates concerning the post office, on the water supply situation, and at Rafaele's! Simi however, is sadly lacking. Hope she's doing fine these days.

  8. Poor you - horrid having that sort of nasty. Lots of ice, lots of rest and the sympathetic Simi to hand will hopefully help things along. You take care and hope you're soon back to normal.

  9. Lots of good wishes and hope you are feeling much better soon :-) x

  10. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Oh, WL, I am so sorry to read this. Pain is awful to bear at any time. Please just 'enjoy' some quiet time and benefit from that. I bet Simi is being very affectionate - would your water man come and walk her for you I wonder?

  11. Hope you recover very soon..take care love to you and Simi .x

  12. Promise we won't give up on you and get better.

  13. I hope it's gone down by now...

    ... put some of that ice into a luxurious long, sweet coctail of pina colada or Long Island ice tea variety...

  14. Thank you all for your very kind good wishes. These are as good as any medicine! Book Owl, he probably would but I wouldn't entrust my Simi to anyone else. Good idea, Gleds!

  15. Rowena, Simi is fine and is just planning her next post! xx
