
Wednesday, May 14, 2008


According to figures published this week, the inflation rate in Italy has increased by 10 times as much as in the other Eurozone countries in the past 5 years. Expenditure on food [up by 10.1%], clothes, shoes and cigarettes has reached record levels whilst higher prices have had to be paid for furniture, household goods in general and leisure and cultural activities. The cost of utility bills is reported to have risen by 20.2% here.

Italy has spent less than its neighbours only on health services, communications and education.
When you look at this, you can see why Italians wanted a change of government - any change.


  1. Everything is getting expensive everywhere! Our gas prices are through the roof! (oh! there's an expression for your students!) Plus food and other products are rising in price!

    You must check out my comments on your previous post! I had a good laugh and I hope you get a laugh from my response! :D

  2. Hi, Leslie. Yes, a good expression for them. Prices do seem to be incvreasing everywhere. Just checked it out and will respond there.

  3. But they didn't exactly get a change did they? They got Berlusconi for the third time and he certainly did not get it right the first two times. Maybe third time lucky.

  4. It is the same everywhere these days!

  5. Hi, jmb. True, they've got "the devil they know".
    Hi, cherrypie. I'm sure you are right.

  6. Yes but is Silvio a change?

  7. The rising costs of living are not reflected in rises in wages, pity. Utilities are bad here, just for 35 days electricity, Ergon Energy hit me up for $184 AUD. That was with no air con, lights turned off except for one, unbelievable.

  8. Anonymous6:24 pm

    Prices are soaring here and of course poor people on low incomes suffer the most.

  9. Hi, James. No, more of the same but regarded as a change from chaos - for the moment! Hi, nunyaa, I do empathise. Electricity bills here aren't bad but those for domestic gas are horrific. Hi, Mutley. It seems the same everywhere, then.

  10. It's the same story in every country, whatever the comparison, rising prices, but not rising salaries to meet the costs. I don't know how this will pan out in the next couple of years.

  11. Hi, Ellee. Yes, it's all very worrying everywhere.
