
Saturday, April 19, 2008


A charity half-marathon or marotonina [ if that's not a contradiction in terms] is to be run tomorrow in Modica in memory of Nino Baglieri, about whom I wrote following his death last year.

Paralysed in an accident at work at the age of 17, Baglieri spent 10 years cursing his fate and in self-imposed isolation, before dramatically refinding his faith on Good Friday, 1978. Thereafter, holding a pen in his mouth, he wrote thousands of letters which helped others and was the author of 2 books. He travelled throughout Italy and sometimes abroad, spreading the message of his faith and of the mercy of his God. In Modica people flocked to his bedside, not to comfort him but to be comforted by him.

As many of you know, I am not religious, but I can only admire such a wonderful man and the faith that inspired him.

His last wish was to be "dressed in a track suit and trainers so that in the last part of my journey to God, I can run to Him."

I think the Modicani have found a very appropriate way to remember this most beloved of their citizens.


  1. Makes you appreciate what we do have and give thanks for it to be that way. Heartfelt and nice story Welshcakes :-)

  2. People like him are so inspirational and it's great that they are going to remember him in this way. I'm sure he'd like it too.

  3. Oh that last part about his wish to be dressed in a jogging outfit made me lose it. (There's a good expression for your students!) I actually started to tear up! I've always regretted that I cannot run - even as a youngster, I was not adept at it and now because of my bad back I MUST not do it. I often have dreams that I'm running and I think it must be the best sensation to feel the wind on your face as you float along. That just might be "my" wish for when I depart this wonderful earth.

  4. What a lovely tribute for such an amazing man :-)

  5. Now that's a fitting tribute to a brave and principled man

  6. He sounds a remarkable man, I hope his courage inspired many others.

  7. Hi, nunyaa. I agree. I'm sure that is just what he would have wanted, jmb. Hi, Leslie. Yes, I'll do that expression with them! I could never run, either, but I can't say I have a desire to do it now. I am sure you will be with us for a long time to come! Hi, cherrypie and jams: Yes, the best tribute, I think. Hi, ellee. I am sure that it did.

  8. That must have ben quite a feat, writing with his mouth. I wonder how long he could write for? I'm thinking not just about the clenching of the teeth, but the neck movements.

  9. Hope you're feeling better now that the sun's out, WL. Even the thought of a half-marathon is enough to make one feel exhausted.

  10. Great inspirational story. I ran a 1/2 marathon and know that those who have done it at the weekend have shown their respect for Nino this totally appropriate way. What a moving story.

  11. It is a very fitting tribute. An amazing man.

  12. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Thats a great story and one I did not know. So thanks for the post...

  13. You bring up a good point here, Welshcakes - whether a feminist can be Christian or vice versa.

  14. Hi, Crushed. I don't know but it must have been incredibly difficult for him. Thanks, WW - I agree. Hi, kissa. Yes, very appropriate, I think. Hi, Liz. Yes, a wonderful man who will always be held in affection here. Thnks, Mutley. Do I, James? I can't see why there should be any problem , either way, myself.

  15. wow, what a lovely way to remember him welshcakes, thank you so much for sharing, i think there's always a message for us all in the lives of people who overcome adversity, what a brave man and a wonderful tribute to him xo

  16. Hi, kyles. Yes, a brave and inspirational man.
