
Monday, April 21, 2008


A friend who knows I have been feeling low brought me these wonderful gifts from the Cava today. I felt as if the sun had invaded my kitchen!
UPDATE: Just remembered - my blog is 2 today!!


  1. How wonderful...would certainly brighten my kitchen !!!!

    Very thoughtful of your friend x x

  2. Very colorful and looks good. :-)

  3. Welshcakes;`
    Hello my Dear Friend.
    I am so sorry that you are still feeling low.

    When I write, sometimes, every thing looks sunny and rosy, but in reality, it's not always so!

    I had a bad 'Rheumatoid' night , last night.

    Whilst DT slept on, the only comfort I had was, scrabbling around for pain killers and waiting for them to 'kick in'.

    This took about two hours and all the time, my adoring little Pussie Cat Chloe was there by my side.

    Whenever I put my hand down she licked it.

    Whenever I opened my eyes and closed them again,
    yearning for sleep,
    she was there, by my side,
    looking intently at me.

    Yes, Chloe's eyes really do shine in the dark`...
    As, I'm sure Darling Simi's do too!

    Who needs 'Humans' Welshcakes, when we have such just adoring and loyal pets?

    Men are Ok.. but.. rather high maintenance.. don't you think ?

    Just finalised arrangements for our holiday in Antibes.

    Our next holiday, hopefully, will be in Sicily, perhaps, October 2008.Maybe we could meet and visit the local 'Tratoria', (not sure about the spelling there)!

    Now, that would be good.

    Anna my friend, and next door neighbour's father, is from Sicily. She keeps us suitably amused with her 'Sicilian Tales'.

    Old Tony , as he's affectonately known, is very impressed with the figs from my Fig Tree.

    Apparently they are the best outside of Sicily..

    An accolade indeed !

    Just need to grow some lemons now!

    Love to you and Darling Simi,
    from your friend Di,
    and Princess Chloe Cat.
    DT would send love too but ....he's..zzzzng..He had a late night!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Sicily Scene :-)

    Nice photo too, the lemon flavor is one of my favorite tastes :-)

  5. happy bloggiversary!

  6. Congratulations Welshcakes. A worthy effort indeed.

    What a lovely cheerful photo and a wonderful caring friend.

  7. Oh that would really brighten up your day.

  8. Tanti Auguri Welshcakes! I must say that those lemons are so yellow that they even DO brighten up my monitor right now!

  9. Congratulations Welshcakes on your Blog's 2nd Birthday.

    It is one of my most favourite sites and I read it nearly every day.
    Today the sun shines...It's a lovely day so, gardening, is on the agenda, with shrub and herb tubs to be filled, lawns to be cut etc.

    Hope you and Simi have a good day.
    Chloe had a better night's sleep last night so, she's got her gardening gloves on ready to join in, along with Rocket, the Rabbit, who, at present, is busy pruning a Lavender Bush.
    The amount of stuff he eats from the garden could easily turn him into a delightful stew!(I don't think I've told you about my Rabbit before).


  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY -Sicily scene!
    What beautiful lemons I am just imagining the aroma wafting from them.......mmm!

  11. Happy Birthday WL...well done on such a colourful and interesting blog x x

  12. Anonymous8:58 pm

    a belated happy blog birthday. Hope you brighten up soon.

  13. Belated birthday WL!

  14. Happy birthday, blog!!

    And what lovely colourful gifts. Just like summer indeed. Have you been to see anyone yet about you-know-what?

  15. Thanks, Anne. Yes, a good and thoughtful friend.x Thank you, nunya.x Hi, dear Trubes. You have really cheered me up with your thoughtful message. I know exactly what you mean by a bad "rheumatoid night" so my thoughts are with you. I also know what you mean about Chloe - Simi instinctively knows where I hurt! It would be wonderful if we could meet up here! I'm sure your neighbor really does grow "the best figs outside Sicily". All our love to you and dear Chloe from Simi and me xx Many thanks, cherrypie xx Thanks, Gleds. Love the term "blogiversary"! Thanks, jmb. x Ciao, James. It did, indeed. x from Simi and me. Thank you, rowena and glad you like the lemons ! x Hi again, Trubes and thank you for your kind comments. No, you haven't told me about your darling rabbit before - he sounds so cute! x Thank you, kissa x You are so kind, Anne x How lovely to see you, HH. Grazie x Grazie a te, Shades x Thank you, Liz. Well, I have to admit now to others that I've been a bit under the weather lately and must get around to seeing the doc! Thanks to you all for the good wishes, which mean much more to me than you can imagine xxxx

  16. So WL - what will those lemons become: Limocello, granita or an accompaniment to your G&T? Glad you're feeling more cheery.

  17. Hello Welshcakes:
    I think i misled you re- 'The Fig Tree'. It is actually my tree but some of it overhangs into my neighbour's garden, hence her father 'Old Tony's rapturous comments about the Figs.

    We had a wonderful harvest last year. One of my favourite ways of serving them is to split, then stuff them with Roquetfort Cheese, wrap in Parma Ham then drizzle with honey and bake in the oven for about 10mins. Deliceux!


    P.S. I omitted to reply to your condolence on my site re the Obituary, so just have rectified that.
    Have a lovely day. D.x

  18. happy birthday sicily scene!! yay!!

    i am sorry that you were feeling a little flat welshcakes, thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog last week when i was feeling low too...i hope that you are feeling better now xo

    tis funny that a friend gifted you those sunshine yellow lemons, as thats exactly what i think your blog would look like if it had it's picture taken. you have a wonderful way of seeing things, and checking here is one of my favourite things to do each week, may your blog have many more birthdays xo

  19. Happy Blog Birthday dear woman... you have given me much reading please & I am thankful for the day i stumbled into your little world...much love Abbey

  20. Hi, WW. Limoncello , I think! Hi again, Trubes. What a wonderful way to serve figs. Thank you for sharing. x Thanks for your lovely, kind words, kyles. you have really cheered me up. x Many thanks, Abbey. That means a lot. I'm glad I found you, kyles and mg, too! xx
