
Wednesday, April 23, 2008


On a day when patriotism, or the lack of it, has been much discussed in the UK, I have had an interesting talk with students about whether they would wish to travel. Most would, of course, but the thought of a gap year or of spending months rather than weeks away from home horrifies my Sicilian charges: that would be far too long a separation from family and, in particular, from mamma's cooking! The idea of living abroad permanently would never occur to them and I was touched when they said that, whilst they acknowledge that Italy has many problems, they feel it is up to their generation to stay and try to change it.

San Giorgio is, of course, the patron saint of Modica and Ragusa Ibla as well as of England. His cult was probably introduced in the west by returning Crusaders and was brought to Sicily by the Normans. The saint is supposed to have appeared as a vision on horseback to encourage the inhabitants of several coastal cities which had endured raids by eastern armies and this, as well as his legendary heroic deeds, explains his popularity in Sicily.

His statue "lives" in the Duomo named for him and he is depicted in medieval armour, carrying a short sword or spatulidda in dialect, a name by which he is affectionately known. On Sunday the statue gets a day out, as it is borne around the town, but for tonight we have to content ourselves with the sound of firecrackers [which I can hear as I write] in his honour. I do like a good, Sicilian noise to celebrate a saint's day!


  1. Hurrah for Modica, England and St George!

  2. I hope San Giorgio enjoyed his parade around town. Such an Italian thing. Well Spanish and Mexican too I guess, along with others I don't know about.

  3. Do the dogs set up barking to accompany those firecrackers?

  4. The idea of living abroad permanently would never occur to them

    How lovely for them to feel like that, I find it quite refreshing :-)

  5. I echo that, WW! Hi, jmb. He gets his real outing on Sunday. Yes, very Italian! Well, Simi certainly does, Gleds. The other dogs in this street are mainly interested in police and ambulance sirens, though. Hi, cherrypie. Yes, I think it is refreshing, too.

  6. One day I will be there to enjoy Sicily with you, don't know when, but one day...

  7. And I look forward to that day, Ellee.

  8. San Giorgio sounds just that bit more exotic.
