
Thursday, April 24, 2008


The Post Office is up to its old trick of having only one counter open for each purpose. Therefore it took me the usual 40 minutes to pay a bill there this morning. When I was attended to, it was without a trace of a smile from the clerk, who uttered no "buongiorno" , "arrivederci" or even a "bugger off" [which would at least have constituted some interaction] . It seems to me that, when you know someone has been waiting a long time [and the clerks do know this] then the least you can do is serve them with a modicum of courtesy. I nearly screamed when I saw the manager walking up and down, at one point, picking up discarded "tickets" which had somehow missed the wastebins but doing nothing about the level of service. One day I swear I am going to lose my pazienza and collar him; I want to know how he can possibly be satisfied with the training his staff have received and the sheer lack of consideration for the clientèle in the place. Someone has also had the bright idea of changing the seating arrangements in there: the chairs are now placed in diagonal rows, the logic, presumably, being that you won't have to crane your neck to see the display board; but, of course, it doesn't work as the rows encroach upon the central space, so people stand almost on top of you and you still can't see the board [which, given the slowness of the appearance of the ticket numbers, might be a blessing in disguise, come to think of it!]

Today I suggested to a class that they all come on time for next week's lesson, so that we can get an exam practice test done: you would have thought I had cracked the funniest joke in Christendom!

But the orange blossom is out and I stop on the way to and from work to breathe in its heady scent. Then nothing else matters quite so much, reader....


  1. 1. Can't you pay bills online? It'd be so much simpler than waiting 40 minutes to pay one.

    2. What would your students think, or how would they react if YOU were late? If you were not there when they arrived, would they just leave?

    Come over to see the story about a dog I put on my blog today. But bring a tissue with you.

  2. I think this standard of things is becoming near universal, I'm afraid. Getting anything done these days, is a mission in itself. Going to your own bank involves re-arranging a days schedule, in fact.

    The joys of modern life...

  3. Am always amazed when there is a long cue and only one or two windows open to serve, gets me frustrated no end, kind of like women who stop in the aisles of supermarkets and natter away. That just grinds away at me and I feel myself getting trolley rage :-) The orange blossom would smell nice?

  4. Ahhh the orange blossom. Wish I could bottle some up and take it home. There isn't anything more beautiful than the fresh smell of orange blossom. I have the essential oils and they just don't compare to the fresh on the tree scent.

  5. The natural world has this ability to transport us from our mindgames to beauty.

    Where would we be without beauty?

  6. What with the water and the post office I wonder that you do not have permanent high blood pressure as well as being bald due to tearing your hair out. What happened to the jovial friendly Italians? Slow, yes but unfriendly no. Perhaps they had no water today either.

  7. The heavenly orange you carry a sprig with you to relieve the stresses of the PO, water and school?

  8. Your post office certainly tries your patience, what a waste of time.
    I love the smell of orange blossom, hopefully that picked you up a bit and made you feel cheerful.

  9. Thank heavens for the orange blossom!

    It might not be funny at the time but you do make us laugh with your tales.

    I don't suppose the manager sees anything wrong with the way his post office is run.

    Did I tell you - I think I did - that my mum planted a mock orange blossom tree in our garden when I was little so I could carry some on my wedding day? She didn't live to see me marry but I made sure my bouquet included some.

  10. I was just outside and a faint breeze was in the air...ah, the scent of orange blossom...

  11. Rather amusing suggesting they be on time. Perhaps you could train the P.O. staff to say "bugger off". Incidentally, possibly time for the Christmas mailing, I should have thought.

  12. Hi, Leslie. Some, not others. But that would deprive me of my fun!! If I were late, they would probably think that completely normal! Sad, that, Crushed. Modern life, indeed.... Hi, nunyaa. Oh, I am so with you on trolley rage! Ciao, indigo-daisy. Yes, nothing beats the fresh scent, does it? What a poetic soul you are, Calum - I completely agree. Hi, jmb. Perhaps I should get my bp checked! Not all the clerks are like that, I should say in fairness. I don't, WW., but maybe I should! Hi, ellee. Yes, thank you, it has cheered me so. Hi, Liz. Glad you like my tales! I don't think you told me that story before - it is a lovely one. x Ciao, pink. Glad you like the scent, too. Hi, James. I suppose it was rather a silly suggestion! Yes, maybe I could teach "bugger-offery" to the PO staff! Thanks for reminding me it's time to post for Xmas!!
