
Thursday, April 17, 2008


My lovely Dad died 35 years ago today and sometimes it seems like yesterday, reader. Here is a song he loved, sung by an artiste for whom he felt compassion.

I forget where I read that it is often the peripheral detail of the traumatic events of our lives that remains with us, but I remember that, just prior to that terrible week of 1973, I had been reading a biography of George Sand. And I have never been able to read anything by or about her since. What a coincidence, then, that this melody is, of course, the Fantaisie Impromptu in C -sharp minor by Chopin, that lady's lover for many years.

This post is also dedicated to rainbow-chasers everywhere.



  1. Thinking of you..hope you are ok. Love and hugs for you and Simi. x x

  2. Love to you today, pat. Xx

  3. I hope all our rainbows come true :-)

  4. Didn't she have a nice voice... before all the alcohol, pills and fags got to it... what a shame. That's a lovely song


  5. A sad day for you Welshcakes, even if it was long ago, one does not forget.

  6. Special day, Welshcakes and of course thoughts are with you.

  7. The one thing that time doesn't take from us is our blessed memories of our long gone and sadly missed fathers x

  8. Doesn't the time move fast? It's 28 years since my Father died - can't believe it. Wonderful song, wonderful voice. I could watch her films all day - and used to with my Dad.

  9. I can't believe my Father died 28 years ago - and we used to spend Saturdays watching old Judy Garland films - lovely song, lovely voice.

  10. It's a nice song. Have a good day.

  11. Music is so important in enjoying the present and remembering times past and people who have gone.
    Chasing rainbows. We all do that and will continue until we are no longer able to dream.

  12. tis funny welshcakes how we remember the things around the periferial of important events, how often have you heard someone say they remember where they were when they heard jfk, marilyn, princess diana or someone else famous had died? i loved the significance of this tune to you and your fathers story, i have certain smells that remind me of my dad, the handcream i used to rub his feet when he was lying in hospital, and the heat rub i used to rub into my nanna's feet, i loved this post, thank you so much for sharing as it would have been my dad's birthday this week and your post has made me remember with love, xo

  13. Condolences to you WL. We've had some fabulous rainbows here recently: all ending in the New Forest.

  14. That a touching tribute to your dear Dad Welshcakes,
    I love Chopin and when learning the piano, mastered a few of his less complicated pieces.
    I didn't reach a very high grade but it gave me a good grounding to apreciate so much more, in the world of music.
    My dear Papa loved Judy Garland too. It would have been his 99th Birthday on April 15th. He died 34yrs. ago.
    Not many days go by when I don't think of him.
    Our lives certainly seem to 'run a series parallels',at times , don't they.
    We shall raise our glasses to your Dear Dad this evening and celebrate his life.

    "Thinking of you and Simi, at this very special time".

    With love Di.xx

    P.S. Ive recently written an obituary too, to my ex Husband on my site, if you may not have already read it. D.xx

  15. Many thanks, Anne and Liz . xx Thanks, cherrypie. I hope yours do, too! Thanks, Gleds. Yes, such a tragedy. Glad you like the song. Thank you, jj. Many thanks, jmb. No, we do not forget. I appreciate your kindness, James. xThanks, nunyaa. x Hi, Mopsa. Yes, it suddenly moves so quickly. I hope your memories are happy ones x thank you, tbrrob. Totally agree, kissa. Thank you x Thank you, Kyles. Your Dad was very lucky to have you with him and I hope you can remember the good times. Thinking of you, too. x Thanks, WW. That is very kind, dear Trubes. My Dad would be very happy to know that you raised a glass to him there. Yes, our lives do seem to run in parallel. Over to you shortly. xx to you and Chloe.
    All the kind comments here have helped me enormously.

  16. Best wishes.
    It's good you remember him.

    Judy Garland, yes, a flame that burned too bright too soon, methinks.

  17. Thank you, Crushed. I appreciate that.

  18. I have a little shrine in my father's memory at home and always light a candle for his anniversary. We should never forget our beloved parents. Love and hugs to you.

  19. Many thanks, Ellee. Love and hugs to you, too. xx
