
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I bring you these, reader, because I think they are interesting:

According to a survey published today, in the south of Italy more than 37% of families organise themselves all'antico, that is, along the pattern common in the 1950s - 60s, with the father being the breadwinner and the mother being a traditional housewife [as compared to 18% in the north of Italy]. However, this figure rises to 50% of families where Sicily is concerned. But - and didn't I tell you that Sicilians are never boring? - what is surprising is that both parents are involved in the upbringing of children to a much greater degree in Sicily. It seems that both parents like to go shopping with their children in Sicily, whilst this is not so in the north: also, it is usually the mother who concerns herself with schooling matters in the north, whereas in Sicily both parents involve themselves in this aspect of their children's lives in 20% of families.

On the whole, I think the Sicilians win - don't you?


  1. I think I like the Sicily way xx

  2. They are definitely different those Sicilians and more involvement by fathers in children's lives can be nothing if not good, no matter who they are.
    My SIL bucks the trend for northerners for he is a very involved father.

  3. Agrees with jmb, children benefit from united input by both parents. There are exceptions here in Australia but it is not the norm.

  4. Now isn't that interesting - the thought has crossed my addled brain recently too, Welshcakes. Trust you're well.

  5. I think it's great that both parents are so involved with their children. With 50% of families having one parent as the breadwinner and the other a homemaker, does that mean the cost of living in Sicily is less than Italy? Are Sicilians not very materialistic?

  6. Sono d'accordo con il survey. Forza i Siciliani, padri e madri!

    from una Siciliana che vive in America.

  7. I think it's definitely a win-win situation in regards to the sicilians. The ones that work with my husband are an affable bunch compared to the more reserved northerners...and they are always the ones to bring sweets to the office! Someone must have passed that generous trait on to them!

  8. Anonymous11:08 am

    Only 37% - what do the others do? As long as people can choose then its up to them really isn't it?

  9. And that is why Sicily is a great place to bring up a family!

  10. I love statistics and data, you must have been a powerful influence on the women there Welshcakes!

  11. I don't know. Not all fathers are particularly good at the job.

    Like James, this has been on my mind of late, but for differing reasons, which will emerge soon.

    I think myself, if I pass my genes on, then any other involvement I have in the lives of a children I have probably wouldn't be particularly beneficial for them. I'm no role model.

  12. Me, too, cherrypie. Hi, jmb. Yes, it has got to be a good thing. Good for your SIL! Agree, Nunyaa. Hi, James. I'm così così at the moment, thanks. Why is your brain addled? Hi, TF. The cost of living is certainly less here than in the north. I don't find Sicilians particularly materialistic - but justifiably proud of what they have. Ciao, Carole. Hai ragione! Rowena, yes, they are very affable and amazingly hospitable and generous. Hi, Mutley. Yes, of course. I suppose the others model themselves more on the UK / US current way. Agree totally, MM. I don't think so, Ellee but thank you! Crushed, you are young yet - I keep telling you!

  13. I think you're right, welshcakes.
