
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


A colomba is a dove and also the name of a dove-shaped cake eaten at Easter all over Italy. Like the Christmas panettone, they are usually bought, not made at home. Italians, like the French, are very sensible about what is bought and what is home-made; if you can buy a better version of a traditional sweet dish, then you do, and save your culinary talents for the primi, secondi and perhaps for the true, Easter cassata siciliana, which is a sort of tart filled with ricotta. Above you can see some made by Chiara in the past.

Yesterday in the nearby town of Vittoria, a lorry-load of "colombe" was found, by the finanziaria police, to contain colombe all right - only they were "stuffed" with packets of contraband Marlboro cigarettes! I trust they were not bound for my local supermarket.


  1. What a waste of colombe, they look so delicious!

  2. There is a big Sicilian community here, I'm going to seek them out and see if I can sample colombe here.

  3. Hi, cherrypie. I agree! Ciao, nunyaa - oh, do seek them out and try colomba for Easter!

  4. Marlboro' Bites!!

    Whatever next?

  5. That sounds good...but not with Marlboro inside! :D

  6. Ciao, jj. Something equally as daft, I expect! Agreed, Leslie.

  7. What a definate waste those look tasty! Buon Appetito! Ciao Ragazza Ciao! M

  8. Smuggling alive and well in Sicily I see. But the question is who told because I can't imagine the police finding them without inside information.

  9. That could put someone off smoking!

    Enjoy the Easter festivities and food, welshcakes!

    No, wait, I'm confused: I've just realised it was cakes that were stuffed not birds! Forgive me, it's early in the morning.

  10. Well there is a conection... doves for peace...smoking ....peace pipes. No!!

  11. Funnily enough, I've just been talking about you and colombe on my blog!

  12. Happy Easter WL..hope you have a great time, lovely food, and great company. xox By the way look on my blog you have been tagged!!!

  13. Ciao, cara M! Auguri from Simi and me x Hi, jmb. Well, it seems the police were doing a routine search and found a suspicious -looking bag from Romania. This bag had a false bottom and they found cigarette packs, so of course, did a full search of the lorry. Ciao, Liz. I'm like that myself of a morning. Buona Pasqua! MM, I never thought of that! What a coincidence, WW, and thank you for the mention da te. Ciao, Anne, e buona Pasqua a te. Over to you in a minute x.

  14. I've smoked lots of Marlboros but never eaten one..(!!)

  15. Ciao, Gleds - something else for you to experience, then! Love from Sicily x
