
Monday, February 18, 2008


Thanks to all who have expressed their concern regarding the situation described in the previous post. The water lorry arrived just as I was leaving for work so Simi had her barking fun, I have had a shower, the heating is functioning and I have calmed down.

Earlier I had called the landlord, who is also a plumber, to ask if the heating wasn't working because of the lack of water. [I'd tried to increase the pressure but the handle thing remained resolutely stuck.] He wasn't sure but said I could check by turning off the boiler and relighting it, a thought which terrified me - this is gas in Sicily we are dealing with, remember! I did the pathetic woman bit again, for I truly was one at that point and, to be fair, he came straight round but couldn't ascertain the cause either. He told me to retry when the water came back on and call him to let him know, even if it was very late. Mercifully, the pressure handle moved upwards this time and the thermostat started working again.

I've never felt so cold in Sicily as I did last night, when the temperature dropped to - 1C, and tonight seems much the same. I know that's not terribly cold by UK standards but it's cold enough in a dwelling with a tiled floor and no heating would have finished me off! The local papers are full of articles about how Sicily is "freezing" but there is absolutely nothing about why the water deliveries were interrupted in the first place - pazienza.
There could be one good outcome following all this hassle, though, as, upon her return from her country house, the lady upstairs kindly dropped off a bidone of water for me and we had a coffee and a good chat. I may have made a friend!


  1. Meno male! What to do you mean -1 C is not cold? Of course it is and no heat! I hope you have a nice down quilt. No fire place I suppose.

  2. I suppose it's at times like these that the Christmas pudding vodka (is there any left?) and the limoncello really come into their own.

  3. So glad you now have water and a new friend into the bargain. Life looks good.

  4. It all sounds horrendous...pleased to read that your received your water and your heating is restored..

    According to BBC weather it is going to be -2 here in Wantage tonight..think it is going to warm up a little bit over there as well..Hope so.

    Pleased your neighbour returned..hope you have made a friend. xoxo

  5. It's freezing cold here too, at least you can escape to the office and heat up.

  6. Thank goodness for that, birthday girl. Floods of water and buckets of love from me to Simi and you [in no particular order]. :)


  7. Didn't they invent aquaducts in Italy?

    Things really don't seem to have progressed much.

    We got flakes of snow today- not enough and too late to stay at home and pretend to be snowed in.

  8. Losing the heating is just the worst...

  9. Hi, jmb. Yes, cold but not as cold as winters in Britain. The difference, of course, is that in Britain we have carpets and reliable heating which we can leave on 24/7! Hi, WW. I did partake of the limoncello [in bed - the best way] but forgot about the vodka, of which I have a half bottle left! Thanks, kissa. I hope so. Many thanks, Anne. I've just been reading that it's the coldest Feb in ages in Britain. It certainly is here! Neighbour lady seems nice. Hi, Ellee. Yes, I was glad of the office bombola! Thank you, James. I'll stop sulking now! We like the water analogy and you are being very diplomatic! xxxx

  10. PS: Jmb, I have a nice coal effect fire with a mantlepiece and all that I brought from Britain. Had the plugs changed and everything when we arrived but I am afraid to switch it on because I've no idea how much electricity of our 3 kw it would take. Besides, I don't think it would be very effective in a flat with such an "open" layout.

  11. even in my world that's medium cold--especially with the heat down.

    hopefully you're favorite snuggly hat is helping you these days...and of course, you can always warm your hands with the heat dissipated from the computer.

    around our house, these are the apple cider days...and a touch of calvados just makes a good thing even better.

  12. Hello, fc. Now you've reminded me of Calvados, I do have half a bottle in the cupboard, so I will go and get some!

  13. Hi, Crushed. I believe they did! Sorry the snow didn't arrive in time to give you a day off! Richard, I agree. I really lost it when the heating went as well!

  14. -1 IS night we lost our power and I got into bed with clothes on (extra socks) and had added an extra blanket as well as opened up a sleeping bag that's good for minus weather. Everything was toasty except my head so I ended up completely immersed in my bed cave for the night. But I don't think anyone could comprehend Sicily being that cold. You're on the Mediterranean, for heaven's sake! brrrrrr

  15. gee WC, I love that you can see a positive in all this, glad you made a new friend, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be as patient, I hate the cold totally... my kids laugh cause I'm all rugged up at the slightest hint of coolness! xo

  16. Hi, Leslie. I don't feel cold when I'm in bed as I have a warm dog sitting on me - it's just the rest of the time! You're rigt - it's not supposed to be this cold in Sicily! Ciao, kyles. I feel the cold terribly and can only laugh at the incident afterwards! I can't do anything when I'm cold!
