
Monday, February 18, 2008


It's touch and go as to whether Simi has her wish fulfilled and gets to bark at the water lorry today: we ran out yesterday afternoon and of course, there was nothing I could do about it then. I had phoned to order a refill on Friday but was told they were fermi [blocked / not able to work] and the employee asked me to call again this morning. I did and this time he said that they could do nothing today but would bring a load "as soon as possible". I dreaded to imagine when that might be so went to see the lady upstairs who has friends in the town hall; she phoned one of these who informed her that the service had been "suspended" but he would do what he could. He didn't sound very hopeful to me. I suggested we order a tankful from a private water carrier [which would only cost us about €5 each] but she seemed reluctant. [She has a house in the country where she can go for a bath / shower but I haven't!!]

After discussing the matter on the phone with a friend I decided to go over to the Water Office: they were almost apologetic as they explained that, although the "service" has been functioning again as of this morning, they have about 100 other deliveries to make before they can get around to ours , which is on their list for Wednesday or Thursday! I don't know what they expect people to do in the meantime. Apparently there are palazzi in this zone which have already been without water for 4 days. All right, everybody has bidoni [large plastic containers ] of water for these emergencies but surely few people have enough to tide them over for that long? [I have already used up mine.] The assumption must surely be that everybody has another house or relatives who can come to the rescue.

Quite apart from hygienic considerations, I am so arthritic that I cannot move until I've had a hot bath or shower so I came back determined to phone a private water carrier without delay, with or without the agreement of the other tenants and even if I had to pay for the whole lot myself. However, the capo condomnio [who should be taking responsibility for the water supply anyway] was, for once, at home by then and she has phoned the water carrier who usually delivers to us [under contract to the comune.] So water is promised for 2.30 pm. [I have to be at work by 3.]

And now the bloody heating won't work!


  1. Oh poor you! I hope the water has turned up by now. And cuddle Simi for warmth!

  2. Anonymous4:26 pm

    Am waiting with bated breath to know if you are afloat again, WL. What a nightmare for you - again!

  3. I just can't imagine how that system works! Water is so plentiful here and constantly flowing from the taps. I can sure commiserate with you re needing hot water for arthritis! I can hardly move this morning, myself!

  4. Welshcakes this water thing is just too much. I'm sure the heating is not working because the pressure has fallen below a certain level. I assume you have hot water heating.

    I do hope the water arrives very, very soon. Imagine no water for 4 days.

  5. My thoughts are with you - do hope it comes soon. The benison of hot water is a comfort, and so hope by the time you read this at least the heating is back on. Meanwhile we have had water dripping through the ceiling all weekend as an ancient pipe collapses! Plumber has now been and reckons it was worthy of something his old dad might have put in........ Joys of living in a house that's over 400 years old. Bowser is DEEPLY embarassed he failed to make Valentine's Day for Mistress Simi - sends belated love. All my fault he'd like her to know.

  6. Hi, Liz and thanks. You too, Shirl and Lola. As you will have seen from the next post, the water arrived just before I went to work! Ciao, Leslie. I'm all right now that I've had a shower. Hope you feel better, too. Hi, jmb. Too much, indeed. If there is going to be an interruption to the service, they should at least tell people. Two summers ago we were without water for 6 days and I don't know how I survived. If it hadn't been for kind friends, I might not have! Hi, Sally. As you see, we are back on - for the moment! Sorry to hear about the pipe / ceiling problem and you have my sympathy! Simi says please tell her beau Mr Bowser that she will wait for him! XX woof!

  7. What a nightmare for you! Can you get any discount on your rent in compensation (does your contract mention running water?)?

  8. Poor you and Simi. Luckily, we know there is a happy ending to this sad tale.

  9. Hi, WW. I'm sure it does but it's not the landlord who is at fault here. Hi, Ellee. Well, we are OK at the moment - pazienza!
