
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


1. Found self-raising flour in one of the supermarkets - just in time to make Welshcakes for Saturday! [Of course I would have improvised but it's nice, sometimes, not to have to!]

2. Arrived at Raffaele the hairdresser's just 40 minutes before I was due at work this morning [my fault entirely as I had overslept, but I can't face a class, much less the world in general, without freshly styled hair]: "Can you do it immediately?" I asked, for you don't make appointments here; well, you can, but no one will stick to the time, so you might as well not bother! "Of course", said he and I allowed myself to be led to the basins still feeling somewhat dubious, for "immediately" does not have the same connotation in Italy as in the UK! However, he did start on my hair "immediately"; the only trouble is, he has the same problem as the butcher, namely that he cannot talk without gesticulating, so every time he spoke to me or one of his assistants, both hairdryer and brush were laid aside! I was so wanting to yell, "Stop bloody talking - please!" but refrained. I needn't have worried * for I was servita and out with a good 7 minutes to spare.

3. The daytime temperature has, again, been equivalent to what you would expect on a normal summer's day in Britain, but it plummeted this evening. The gas in the bombola had run out at work, so I was shivering. Then my last student of the day appeared, took one look at me and asked, "Would you like my jacket, teacher?" Reader, I fell in love with Italians all over again!
* FCE students of mine who are reading, please note: "I needn't have worried" = " It was not necessary but I worried". "I didn't need to worry" = "It was not necessary" [and maybe I worried or maybe I did not.]


  1. You seem to go the hairdressers a lot!

    7 minutes! Mine takes about twice as long! But then, I'm fussy about the curls.

  2. Gosh, that was quick, Crushed! No, I meant 7 mins between getting out of Raff's and getting to work [school is opposite]. Now, Crushed, I'll tell you a thing about women: we can have the most expensive dress on and be perfectly made-up and all the rest of it, but if hair is not right we have no confidence. So yep, I am always in the hairdresser's! I'm sure you have lovely curls, btw!

  3. I never use SR flour now, it is almost unheard of here, but you can get one brand only. It just seems as easy to mix in the baking powder etc oneself.
    Ah the subtleties of language. The slight nuances that take years to learn.
    Good old Raffaele, but no appointments sounds a bit disorganized. Do you take a number like the post office?

  4. Hi, jmb. But baking powder is hard to find, too! Ok, I have some now, along with the vanilla-flavoured raising agent they do, but when it comes to welshcakes, I want to make them like I would there! No number-taking at Raff's: you just sit there and let him smile disarmingly at you and somehow he has it in his head who arrived when!

  5. SR flour is easy to find here.
    Thank you for the "leçon de grammaire". I think you should post these on a regular basis. Us, non-native speakers, would benefit greatly.

  6. It sounds as if you need a hat for emergencies

  7. And having your hair done is supposed to be relaxing! Your experience sounds really stressful.

  8. Not just women, I'm very vain about my hair.
    I spend about ten minutes on it in the morning.

    Baldness is one of the few things that still terrifies me.

  9. my fault entirely as I had overslept, but I can't face a class, much less the world in general, without freshly styled hair

    Most sensible. No girl over here would either.

  10. I love getting my hair done but I'm currently debating on letting it go a Welshcake like a pound cake?

  11. Anonymous12:25 pm

    I have been wondering about Welshcakes for some time - yet all I know is that you need self raising flour and to get a new hair do!

  12. Freshly styled hair to face the world sounds good.
    SR flour for your welshcakes for St. David's Day great. I love them with butter. Yummy. Do you have a daffodil or small leek for your buttonhole?!

  13. Thanks, eurodog. I put that on because I had used a grammatical structure we had covered the same day, and it seemed a good opportunity to reinforce it by drawing attention to it here. It might get tedious all the time, though.
    I think you are right, WW!
    Ciao, Melina.
    Hi, cherrypie. It usually is relaxing, here.
    Bald men can look very distinguished, Crushed.
    Glad to hear it, James.
    Hi, pink. I have decided not to go grey even when I'm in the old folks' home! Pic of welshcakes coming tomorrow.
    Hi, Mutley. That's right - you just have to have a good hairdo to be able to make welshcakes successfully!
    Hi, kissa. No, daffs are difficult to find here and I miss them. But I have an inflatable one!

  14. Happy St David's Day for tomorrow Welshcakes - I bet the kitchen is a fury of activity. Buona Festa!

  15. Welshcakes rule!

    I bought value currants specially to make some, thinking I could use my hotplate as a griddle... how wrong I was!

  16. ps and I ate all those currants within about 48 hrs...

  17. Thanks, Sally. It has been a bit of a war zone out there but it has calmed down now!

  18. Hi, Gleds. Thought I'd replied to you but now I see I hadn't. Sorry. Well, hope you enjoyed the curranta, at least! Can't get them here so only sultanas in my welshcakes!


  19. No curranta in Italia? That's mierda! Curranta are my favorata. Fara mora than-na sultana!!


  20. Hi, Gleds. No currants way down here, anyway!
