
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


1. Simi went wild with joy [because it means she can have a good bark and an extra walk when we go down to sign for the delivery] when we heard the chug-chug-chug of the water lorry in the street at 08.30. "It can't be for us already!" I exclaimed, but - wonders never cease - it was. [I'd remembered to order a tankful for this week on Friday but hadn't been hopeful of an early delivery.]
2. "Mr Orangeblossom", the carpenter, also turned up this morning, to check a measurement. I might even get the work done soon, reader - "soon" in Sicily meaning anything from next week to in three months' time - pazienza.
3. By the time I went to work this afternoon the outdoor temperature was 20 C., but I still feel cold indoors! At work they put the bombola heater on for me, so I was comfortable but my students, most of whom are men [do men really always feel warmer than women?] were wilting! I just can't teach huddled up in a jacket and I can't do anything at all when I am cold!
4. Spring handbags are appearing in the shop windows and there is much shimmery pale pink about along with much yellow.
5. A "Mr Gorgeous, mark 3" has appeared at the Altro Posto, ladies. This one is elegantissimo in the way that only an Italian male can be. I spent the entire lunchtime gazing at the superb quality of his socks!


  1. Husband is hot and I am cold. But my boss, Janet, is also a hottie while her husband is cold. Actually my sister-in-law and her husband are that way too (she hot, he cold).

    I'm glad you will have plenty of water: we had a leak in the community cafe today. Or rather the man working upstairs drilled through a water pipe. Not good for a cafe when there's no water to wash dishes or to make a cup of tea!

  2. Ciao, Liz. Interesting this, about who feels hot and who cold. A leak not good for a café!

  3. So do you peer at these gorgeous Italians from behind your dark glasses? What you need is un telefonino with which you can subtly take photos for us.

    Would it work to make a standing order for the water? I suppose this is too organized for the Italians and maybe you have to pay by the truck whether you need it all or not.

  4. I'm still hot AND cold. Thought I'd be finished with all that by now....but?????

    Hey!!! Grab that camera and have it handy for the next time you see Mr Elegantissimo! (sp??) Pretend you're taking a shot of something else and catch him on film. Hey, I did it in Italy, pretending to shoot my friend and the camera just sort of subtly moved to catch one of those gorgeous hunks of Italian meat. Oops, I mean handsome chap. *giggle*

  5. Mr Orangeblossom?

    Gazing at the "quality of his socks"? I sometimes get an urge in my "quality of his socks" too, Welshcakes. :)

  6. Any pictures of Mr Gorgeous mark 3??? His socks must be something!!!!

    Your right WL only Italian men can do elegantissimo..I noticed this when people watching in Sicily and Como..:-)

  7. Just caught up on a couple of days - do try and track down Unsworth's Stone Virgin, whose theme is Venice. I love his writing and didn't even know about the Sicily one - off to search my library's site. Have a good day.

  8. hhmmm...the quality of his socks??? "Mr Gorgeous, mark 3" indeed...giggles xo

  9. Hi Welshcakes;
    I`m always cold and DT is always hot. He thinks nothing of walking down the road to collect the morning papers, in his shirt sleeves and a pair of slacks, in the midst of winter...Crazy Guy !
    He`s always in the peak of health and very rarely gets a cold.
    Nice to know you have a delectable young Adonis in your Class. I take it he was wearing more than socks....You did say the men were too hot... Lucky you ! Hee hee.


    Chloe said hello to Simi, Purr Purr.. At present she`s lying in shaft of sunlight, on her back, whilst DT tickles her tum.
    Aye, it's a grand life for these pampered pets.
    Glad Simi got to have her shout at the Water Man. D.x

  10. Were his socks yellow or pink? Would love to see a photo (of him and the bags!)

  11. Anonymous2:19 pm

    I am thinking of writing a novel set in Sicily Ms Limoncello, and I wonder if I can steal your reminiscences for part of my "colourful backdrop"? Its OK - I will disguise the names.

  12. Spring handbags are appearing in the shop windows...

    Seventh heaven, in fact?

  13. My life seems so dull in comparison in Cambridgeshire. At least we had an earthquake here last night to liven up events...

  14. We always have the hot cold argument at work. Our side of the office get hot and open the window then the other side of the office start moaning they are cold. What I really don't understand is why can't they just come and ask if we could shut the window!

  15. Hi, jmb. Oh, definitely from behind my sunglasses! A phone-cam? - I'd like to but don't want to fall foul of the Ital privacy law! Hi, Leslie. I 'd love to take a pic of him but would not dare post it! "mr Orangeblossom " = "Signor Zagara", James. A lovely name, I think. You are getting urges everywhere, lately - and jolly good luck to you! Hi, Anne. Glad we are of a mind on this one! Ciao, Sally and grazie. I will try to find the book, "Stone Virgin". Glad I made you laugh, Kyles. Ciao, Trubes. What a giggle we would have over life, men and all that if we met! Simi says "Buona sera , Chloe and isn't it great having human slaves?!" xx WW, black socks! I think I can probably take a pic of the bags, but not of him! Mutley, we should collaborate! Bags spell 7th heaven indeed, James! Ellee, I just saw that on Sky. Are you all right? Is your home OK? Over to visit you in a moment. It must have been a terrible shock. Ciao , cherrypie. Sounds like me and my students - they feel warm whilst I always feel cold! [Only they have Latin blood, of course!]

  16. I like your nicknames for people :)
