
Saturday, February 23, 2008


There weren't many people in there this morning so, silly me, I thought that as I had 15 minutes or so before meeting someone, I'd be able to get a package posted. 14 minutes later the same person was still being served at the prodotti postali counter so I gave up. When I got back, an hour later, I noted from the display board that only 8 customers had been attended to in the interim, then reflected that actually this was quite quick by Sicilian standards! Whilst I resignedly took another ticket and a seat, Mr-Sparkly-Eyes-clerk along at the post office accounts desk pinged his computer so that number 84 came up on the board. No one having appeared at his counter after about 30 seconds, he pinged again and ticket holder 85 strolled up. All of a sudden there was a great commotion and a shout of "Aspettti!" ["Wait!"] as the holder of ticket 84, an old chap who had dozed off [and who could blame him?] regained consciousness, rushed up to the counter faster than an Olympic athlete and claimed the territory. But instead of just getting on with his business, he then turned round, shook hands with number 85 and proceeded to give him a 10-minute explanation of why he had nearly missed his turn! Mr Sparkly-Eyes looked on in amusement as, indeed, did everybody else.

Just as it was my turn at the prodotti postali, in came one of the form-seeker queue-jumpers who irritate me so much, and as today I had not been quite as sprightly as Mr-ticket-84 who must have been about 90, off went the clerk to obtain the forms for this female. Then blow me down, as soon as I opened my mouth to utter my request, up popped 84 himself at "my" counter, this time telling the clerk he wanted "Solo un'informazione " ["just some information"]. Why on earth couldn't he have asked Mr-Sparkly?! It turned out he needed help filling in some complicated form he had so another 5 minutes passed during which I used all my willpower to resist stamping my feet before the clerk turned back to me.

But I got my parcel posted within 20 minutes, I'd had my morning's entertainment and now I'm telling you about it, so why am I grumbling ?! Pazienza.


  1. Oooh I am afraid I don't have enough pazienza for all that. When is a slow time at the post office? That's when I would always go and do all the business I needed to for at least a week's time. grrrrr
    You're a better (wo)man than I am, Gunga Din! lol

    funny word verification: ooohbt

    = oooh (like I typed above) and then bt = boot (give 'em the boot)

  2. Well I suppose the good thing is it gives you plenty of blog fodder, so the Post Office is not all bad. I do wonder how the employees stand it themselves frankly. Although perhaps it is fodder for their blogs!

  3. Okjay so it is you not me going through the trials and tribulations of the post office but I do love reading about them. They make me smile, and laugh and wince and cringe along with you ... well maybe a bit more laughter because I am not the one in the queue ... lol

  4. Hi, Leslie.
    A slow time? I don't know because even when it looks kind of OK, like this morning, it can drive you crazy! The worst time is the beginning of the month, when all the pensioners go to collect what is, after all, their due - it 's just that it takes so long!
    Jmb, yes, what would I write about without the place?! Interesting thought you have there!

  5. Ps: Leslie, loved the word verif story!

  6. Your post office experience sounds typical for Sicilia...I personally try to avoid it as much as possible. As far as a slow time...whenever it slows down the clerk(s) go for a coffee. This is their life and the way they have done business for hundreds of years so the observations of an "outsider" (blogger)are much different than the locals.

  7. Hi, Brian. I agree that is the problem - they don't see any reason to change. How I would love to show them an efficient Brit post office!

  8. I enjoyed sitting back and listening to your story. We have all been there at one time or another. It is nice that we can look at life and laugh at situations like these. I try to look at life as being a privilege and try to see light in even those annoying little moments in time. :-)

  9. Hi, Deborah. I agree. ALthough these moments annoy me, they do [usually!] make me laugh and it is all part of life's rich tapestry....

  10. Trips to your post office keep us entertained Welshcakes, you know you don't visit for an uneventful time.

  11. Thanks, Ellee. Yes, these trips give me something to blog about!
