
Thursday, January 24, 2008


I admit that I couldn’t think of anything to post about tonight but my friend the Winchester Whisperer has come to the rescue with this meme asking for "household tips". That’s a laugh for a start as I am the world’s worst housekeeper. I love cooking because it’s creative but I detest cleaning and ironing and resent the time these tasks take. A couple of weeks ago a friend here – a liberated woman with a demanding job – told me she envied my single state because, “There is no one to ruin your clean floor just after you have polished it.” Huh? – Get real!

Here goes:

1. A plastic spray bottle containing a few drops of peppermint oil diluted with plenty of water could be a summer friend. Spray some of the contents liberally around your kitchen once or twice a week and ants and flies will be discouraged from trespassing.
2. [A Sicilian one]: Garlic placed on a windowsill should keep mosquitoes at bay.
3. Don’t waste the dregs of bottles of “flat” tonic water or other fizzy drinks. Chuck them down the loo and they will help to clean it.
4. [From here on I am going to cheat and the tips will be about cookery / entertaining]: You will get more juice from a lemon or an orange if you put it in the microwave for a few seconds before squeezing [only I don’t have a microwave here – boohoo!]
5. [From my Sicilian friend Giovanna and I have been doing this for 16 years, now – apologies if you read it on an early blog post here]: Always add a halved potato to the water when cooking pasta.
6. A curdled sauce can nearly always be rescued by the addition and vigorous mixing in of a couple of ice cubes off the heat.
7. When entertaining, set the table before you do anything else. Then it all looks organised even if you get in a panic. Get your glad rags and make-up on and look glamorous even if some of the cooking has to wait. And if you are entertaining the “housekeeping police” spray polish around and then loads of perfume – or invite nicer people in the first place.

"Err, that's it", as they say. Buon divertimento.
[I don't tag.]


  1. I always set the table first because then it encourages me to keep going with the "work" part of entertaining. I just look at the pretty table and carry on. I didn't know that about the half potato in the pasta sauce. What does it do to help?

  2. I've been tagged with this meme too and I haven't a clue but you managed quite well.

  3. Love the tips!! Just to say that when you have used your lemon for juice only, you can put lemon into a bowl of water and put it in the microwave, for a few minutes on full power and it acts as a very good microwave cleaner..

  4. Well, WL, I think that's just wonderful. I shall put all these things into practice.
    Have a lovely day.

  5. Now those are really good tips, particularly the ice cubes in the curdle!

  6. Anonymous12:07 pm

    WCL -

    Some American commedienne said, "I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I say, 'Huh, well, that ain't gonna happen.'" The same goes for me and housekeeping tips.

    There is another trick for getting more juice from lemons: roll it firmly on the workbench. But no doubt you already knew that one.

    What does the half-potato (peeled or unpeeled?) do for the pasta?

  7. Well isn't that the best meme I have read in forever! Love the idea about the potato in the pasta water .... actually love all of the ideas :-) Ta very muchly Welshcakes :-)

  8. You're a woman after my own heart - I hate housecleaning too. But it must be done. Those environmentally friendly tips sound helpful and I do use some of them already but can now enhance my repertoire with the others I haven't tried.

    White vinegar is a great item to use for all sorts of cleaning jobs.

    Love your blog.

  9. In my world that's why there are housekeepers and maids. I feel it my civic responsibility to do no cleaning or washing up myself as it would take the salary (thus the food) out of their hands! How selfish of me would that be?

    I do like that peppermint and garlic tip. :-)

  10. I didn't know about the curdled sauce, that's really useful advice, and laying the table is usually my husband's contribution to dinner parties as he is allergic to the kitchen.

  11. Hi there - thansk for popping by mine - I came on over to see your tips. Good ones but the peppermint oil will be on my shopping list next - ants are always trying to take over my house most summers.

  12. Gosh, I sure like lady macleod's idea. If only...*sigh*

  13. Ha, the ludingtonian asked 'my' question. :)

  14. Hi, Leslie. I feel the same about setting the table. no idea how the potato helps - it just does. Ciao, jmb. I am sure you will rise to the challenge magnificently, as you always do! Thanks, Anne. I'll remember that for if and when I do get a microwave here. Thanks, eurodog. Buona giornata anche a te [for tomorrow, now!] Thanks, WW. I think my mother told me the ice-cube tip! Hi, Ludlingtonian. Like the quote. I didn't know that about the lemon on the workbench, actually, so thank you. Again, no idea how the potato helps. Always unpeeled in my case, as it's against my principles to peel them! And thank you kindly, mg. How did the paneer go? Flutterby, you do cheer me up and encourage me. Thank you. And thanks for the white vinegar tip, too. Ciao, Lady M. I like your logic! Hi, ellee. I love the phrase, "allergic to the kitchen"! Lady thinker, I like your blog very much and thanks for visiting mine, too. Leslie, I'm thinking "If only" too!

  15. Hi, Sean. Well, as you will have read by now, I've no idea how the potato helps and I never peel them. All I can tell you is that my pasta has turned out perfectly ever since I have been doing this!

  16. I am waiting for my husband to lay the table for this evening, we have moussaka in my mother's honour, and Sicilian sausages, as well as Peking duck, a bit of a mixture. Oh, and lots of olives and feta, stuffed vine leaves etc.

  17. Bizarrely, I find bathroom cleaning quite cathartic, though I hate doing the kitchen.

  18. Thanks for these tips. I particularly like the peppermint one. Think I'll try the garlic, too. Wonder if they'll work against the horrible Irish (and Scottish!) midge.

  19. Hi, Crushed. Now that is strange because I don't mind cleaning the kitchen - even I find that rather satisfying - but I hate cleaning the bathroom! Hi, dragonstar. Those horrible midges are in Wales, too - I don't think anything discourages them!

  20. Will have to try the potato in my pasta next time i cook some...

  21. Will copy and paste these and follow them religiously.

  22. Hi, Ellee. Sounds wonderful. Hi, Sally . Again, don't know why it works but it does! I am honoured, James.
