
Saturday, January 26, 2008


Sometimes all I want is a salad containing the simplest, freshest ingredients and that is what I asked for at the Altro Posto at lunchtime. Served in a deep bowl, it looked so pretty and the cherry tomatoes were the sweetest I have ever tasted, reader. [Yes, I know the calories were in the accompanying gin & tonic!]

I had forgotten that Carnevale is almost upon us until, shopping in Mr T's deli later, I espied some chiacchiere, or pastry ribbons, the traditonal fried, carnival biscuits. They are amazingly light in texture! "Chiacchiere!" I exclaimed. "Yes, signora", replied Mr T. "And look, this year I have some that have been dipped in chocolate." Well, would you resist?!

Chiacchierare is the verb "to gossip" and the biscuits are so named either because their shape resembles that of old women's tongues [say some, unkindly] or, more likely, because of the "psst" sound they make when the pastry is dropped into the hot oil. I don't know about you, but I have always found men to be at least as gossipy as women!


  1. Your last sentence, Lady Limoncello, does not lack of accuracy. :)

  2. I'm sitting here stuffed to the gills with my pants undone after arriving home from a delicious Italian dinner with my friend Josie. And what do I see here but MORE FOOD!!! lol We dined on cream of squash soup topped with fresh parmessan followed by chicken pesto penne accompanied by a wonderful merlot. Dessert was creme brulee cheesecake divided in half for us with a cappuccino. The waitress was lovely and divided the leftovers for us to bring home. (I took a menu to post on my bulletin board so I can decide what to have next time we go!)

    Your salad looks scrumpdillyishus. Is the white fresh mozza? And NO, I could NOT resist the chocolate dipped biscuits.

  3. I never imagine that a g and t has calories. And yes about gossipy men, they can be real bitches too.

  4. Mmmmmmm! Especially the top pic. Have to go and eat now.

  5. Are they 'real' bocconcini I spy in the salad? How delicious :-)

    When I was growing up we had some very Italian neighbors who made these biscuits periodically - they are to doe for! Do you have a recipe Welshcakes?

  6. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Fantastic post again - could you stick some of those biccies in me food parcel?

  7. Your right WL, that is all you want to eat sometimes, and it looks delicious!!!
    My sort of lunch...tasty.

  8. Did you eat outside or in? This looks like a outside dish to me. I would love to have that on a summer's day al fresco.
    Shall we change that to chiacchieri? Definitely as gossipy, senza dubbio

  9. Thank you, Sean! Sounds a wonderful dinner, Leslie. Yes, fresh mozz. Hi, Ellee. Silly me! There just CAN'T be any calories in g & t!! Glad you like the look of it, James. Hi, mg. Yes, they are! I don't have a non-copyright recipe for the chiacchiere, I'm afraid and few women even here would attempt them! Of course, dear Mutley but they might arrive a bit squashed up!! Hi, Anne - you'd love it!

  10. Hi, Jmb. Inside, yesterday, though it was almost warm enough for outside. Yes, let's change it to masculine - they are worse than us!

  11. Fried biscuits? I draw the line at fried Christmas pudding.

  12. Hi, WW. You'd never know they were fried from the texture.

  13. Hi,My name is Bill and I am trying to locate a tomato called Delizia which is grown on the slopes of Mount Etna. Sainsbury used to stock it but for no apparent reason have stopped doing so.Does anyone know where I can either purchase the tomatoes or the seeds.My email address is I would appreciate your help very much.

  14. Hi, My name is Bill Craig and I am trying to find a source for a variety of Tomatoes called Delizia which are grown on the slopes of Mt.Etna. They are a superb tasting tomato and I became first aware of them when Sainsbury sold them Unfortunately they have stopped stocking them. Can anyone please tell me where it is possible to buy these tomatoes or even as seeds whereupon I could grow them myself. I can be contaacted on in anticipation.
