
Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Sky Italia are forever calling to offer me a sports package. "Thank you, but I hate sport", I tell them candidly, over and over again. "What, all of it?" asked one of their gentlemen employees incredulously a few months ago. "That's right", I assured him. One or two of the women who call giggle conspiratorially and sound almost envious when I tell them there is no one else in the house to enjoy the sport and I do add that my dog hates it too, just to convince them of my madness, whilst the men usually hang up abruptly and presumably hasten to bother the next subscriber on their list. You'd think they'd have grasped the idea by now and I can only assume that they keep calling because they don't believe me.

Well, here I was last night, chilling out with a gin and tonic and absent-mindedly watching Sky, when one of those on-screen messages appeared: "We have a Christmas gift for you!" it exclaimed. "That's jolly decent of them", I remarked to Simi and eagerly pressed the leggi [read] button. And what was this wondrous present? - I can watch sports channels free of charge over Christmas! Gee, thanks, guys.... [I angrily switched over to Rai .]


  1. he he he - you go girl

  2. I hate sport too... but love gin and tonic, time to treat myself i think

  3. I could resist that offer too.

  4. I can just "see" you and Simi excitedly checking in to see what your free Christmas gift was! lol Bah Humbug to sport!

  5. We couldn't resist it here I'm afraid. We didn't in fact. Since sport is practically the only thing the old scientist watches we spend bucket loads of money for these things, even a golf channel. Ugh, that one I hate. The trouble is they bundle them so that to get one you really want you have to take some that you never watch.
    Actually I do like soccer! And cricket but we don't get any of that here.

  6. Oh Im the same as you Welshcakes...drives me nuts

  7. Anonymous10:03 am

    I for one don't have any sports channels, but I get Virgin Cable TV so i don't even get Sky 1 since they are at war with Virgin...

  8. I hate the televised sport we have in the UK - football, football, football, then cricket and sometimes rugby. I quite enjoy sports which are not on the t.v. here such as x-country ski-ing, ski-jumping but these are only available on Eurosport and I don't think that is free. What to do?

  9. What about suscribing to the fishing channel?
    Have another look at my last post WL; you posted a comment just as I was updating it.

  10. I intend to, Lady M! Sally, Ellee, Leslie, Abbey, I see I am in good company! Cincin, Sally! Hi, jmb. Yes, I've got loads of channels I will never watch. I never will understand cricket! Hi, Mutley. I didn't know they were deadly rivals like that. Hi, kissa: typical, isn't it? you can't get the ones you are interested in free. Hi, eurodog. I didn't know there was a fishing channel but I wouldn't like that either! I've been back to your lovely post about the pups.

  11. I suppose that they're continuing to call you just because they're disorganized (i.e. left hand doesn't know what right hand does). You know, we're living in Italy.
