
Thursday, December 06, 2007


There is a certain breed of Italian male - not all of them, by any means - that considers a "good morning" from a woman an invitation to much more. One such male lives near here and has several times propositioned me. I have always been very cold with him and offered him no encouragement whatsoever but it took him over a year to get the message. Then one day this summer he made a very personal remark to me and I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of that. Since then, I haven't spoken to him or acknowledged him in any way, even crossing the road when I have seen him approaching. I am nearly always out with Simi when I see him and so it was this morning when we encountered one another on a narrow stretch of pavement. "If I speak to you" he asked, "will your dog go for me?" He seriously thought he was in danger from Simi ! Well, I decided it's Christmas and it is a bit awkward always ignoring him so I said that of course she wouldn't and wished him a good day. Simi would like to add something at this point: "Hmm - I thought, 'You can greet my mummy, Mister, but lay a hand on her and see what you get!' " Quite.

I actually have a highly-developed sense of danger and I think it comes from having travelled so much alone: some time ago, on a school trip to Normandy, our group was staying in a hostel in a seemingly quiet part of the town. In the evening, we teachers were taking it in turns to pop to the bar across the square for 10 minutes and a woman colleague and I had just left the hostel to cross the deserted square when I put a hand out and said, "I don't think we should go any further. Let's hurry back in." Just as we reached the hostel door we heard twigs snapping on either side of us and the sound of running. I hadn't heard or seen anything - I just sensed it, whereas my married colleague had sensed nothing. I'm sure we would have been mugged or worse had we continued across the square. I do not sense any danger with regard to this man but I do know that any lowering of my defences would be seen as encouragement and I am NOT interested.

Above is a photo of Simi, my darling protector, at 8 weeks old. She is going to be a big girl of 9 this Christmas.


  1. Well you do look stunning and shouldn't be surprised, it's when you stop getting propositioned that you can start complaining and put Simi in a retirement home!

    I hope you gave her a nice bone as a special treat.

  2. Simi could not be any cuter; one day I will have a little pup like her I hope. Don't you look just lovely in the pic? As Grazia mag would say Hair colour -tick; make-up -tick ; clothes - tick.
    I knwo exactly what you mean about getting unsolicited attention. When living in Spain I once greeted a local fisherman with "hola" He followed me, closely, for about 9 months. A friend said it must have been the way I said "" xx

  3. Oh, she looks adorable! What breed is she? I truly do love dogs but just feel that I shouldn't have another one right now when I want to travel so much. I'm sure Simi will keep the "gentleman" under control if he tries anything. By the way, is the name "Simi" Italian for anything?

  4. Thanks, Ellee. If simi goes into a retirement home, I am going right there with her! There is no way we are being separated. Thanks, janejill. You are very kind. Simi was cute then and she's cute now - she'll always be my baby. I think it probably was the way you said "Hola"! Hi, Leslie. She's a Yorkie cross. Possibly with Jack Russell but she is definitely Yorkie in temperament - she's a feisty girl! She is named after Simone de Beauvoir.

  5. Akh! That is scarey!

    The dog looks really entertaining!!

  6. Vital sense to have, Welshcakes. I also have this and I sense danger very close to home right now. More later.

  7. WL,
    Sweet little Simi.
    I do not think Simone was a nice person but I know Simi is a nice doggy.
    Another way of frightening off anybody is to sit the dog down when anyone is coming up to you and hold yourself straight and say in a firm voice: " Do not attack" or " Do not bite". Now the person coming up to you does not know your dog would not hurt a fly but in your attitude you are giving a clear sign that your dog could be very dangerous. Even a little dog like Simi. Little ones can be ferocious and even if they cannot reach the person's throat, there are the ankles! I do this with Belle when I walk her round the block at night. Mind you Belle would go for anybody who came near but that's another story.

  8. Yeah to Simi! I am just loving her more and more whenever you delight your readers with photos. As for the italian wanna-be-suitor, now I'll think twice about who I greet in my walks with the dog.

  9. Very becoming photo of you Ms WL!

    Unsolicited attention keeps me from riding my bike sometimes. Have had a couple very bad experiences. Perhaps I should consider a dog!

  10. A lovely photograph of you both welchcakes. I am sure she will always look out for you. Your intuition will keep you safe.

  11. Too bad he's not Prince Charming Welshcakes. I'm sure Miss Simi could give a very nasty nip if needed.

    When I was in my early twenties I was followed home from the train station by someone so I am always very cautious. It pays to be so and it's good that you have this highly developed sense of danger.

    She was adorable then just as she is now, a maturing lady.

  12. I need a new baby now my boys are getting big, perhaps a little furry,c cuddly one like Simi will be fun for both of us.

  13. Thanks, Gleds. Never a dull moment with Simi! Oh, goodness, take care, James. Please be calm. Hi, eurodog. S de B probably wasn't all that nice but she had a great influence on me. Thanks for that advice - I will try it. I'm sure Simi would go for anybody who tried to harm me! Hi, Rowena. Simi says she is very flattered! I hope we haven't scared you. Thank you, Sharon. Sorry about the bad experiences, I do think a dog helps - and gives you so much love, too. Thanks, MM. Hope so! Hi, jmb. Yes, too bad he's a wrong 'un. I'm sure Simi would if she thought I was in danger. Hi, Ellee. I'm sure you would enjoy owning a dog - and he / she would be a lucky one.

  14. That is a beautiful picture of you! And what a good little Simi to take such good care of you.

    You always look so solemn...

  15. Thanks, Ruthie. Sorry I look solemn.

  16. I have enjoyed looking at your blog. Nice to see another part of the world. Good job with it. My Grandfather was from Sicily and it is nice to get a little taste of what it is like there by reading and looking at your photos. Sincerely, Connie PS Nice you are aware of your surroundings and use your good judgment. Glad you don't allow a pushy man get to you, too. Cute puppy, too.

  17. Thank you, namesconnie and welcome to my blog.
